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Flexoki is an inky color scheme for prose and code. Flexoki is designed for reading and writing on digital screens. It is inspired by analog printing inks and warm shades of paper.

Learn more at

Syntax highlighting



Flexoki is available for the following apps and tools.


System themes




Flexoki is MIT licensed. You are free to port Flexoki to any app. Please include attribution and a link to Add a link to your port in the list above via pull request.


Sublime Text

Flexoki Sublime

VS Code

Flexoki VS Code Dark Flexoki VS Code Light


Please see documentation for how to apply these colors. The standard palette uses the base colors, and the 400/600 accent color values. The extended palette adds a full range of values from 50-950 for UIs and more complex projects.


Name Hex RGB
paper #FFFCF0 255, 252, 240
base-50 #F2F0E5 242, 240, 229
base-100 #E6E4D9 230, 228, 217
base-150 #DAD8CE 218, 216, 206
base-200 #CECDC3 206, 205, 195
base-300 #B7B5AC 183, 181, 172
base-400 #9F9D96 159, 157, 150
base-500 #878580 135, 133, 128
base-600 #6F6E69 111, 110, 105
base-700 #575653 87, 86, 83
base-800 #403E3C 64, 62, 60
base-850 #343331 52, 51, 49
base-900 #282726 40, 39, 38
base-950 #1C1B1A 28, 27, 26
black #100F0F 16, 15, 15

Dark colors

Color Hex RGB
red-600 #AF3029 175, 48, 41
orange-600 #BC5215 188, 82, 21
yellow-600 #AD8301 173, 131, 1
green-600 #66800B 102, 128, 11
cyan-600 #24837B 36, 131, 123
blue-600 #205EA6 32, 94, 166
purple-600 #5E409D 94, 64, 157
magenta-600 #A02F6F 160, 47, 111

Light colors

Color Hex RGB
red-400 #D14D41 209, 77, 65
orange-400 #DA702C 218, 112, 44
yellow-400 #D0A215 208, 162, 21
green-400 #879A39 135, 154, 57
cyan-400 #3AA99F 58, 169, 159
blue-400 #4385BE 67, 133, 190
purple-400 #8B7EC8 139, 126, 200
magenta-400 #CE5D97 206, 93, 151

Extended palette

If you wish to use Flexoki for more complex applications beyond syntax highlighting and basic color schemes, the extended palette includes a complete set of values for every accent color from 50 to 950.

Flexoki Extended


Name Hex RGB
red-50 #FFE1D5 255, 225, 213
red-100 #FFCABB 255, 202, 187
red-150 #FDB2A2 253, 178, 162
red-200 #F89A8A 248, 154, 138
red-300 #E8705F 232, 112, 95
red-400 #D14D41 209, 77, 65
red-500 #C03E35 192, 62, 53
red-600 #AF3029 175, 48, 41
red-700 #942822 148, 40, 34
red-800 #6C201C 108, 32, 28
red-850 #551B18 85, 27, 24
red-900 #3E1715 62, 23, 21
red-950 #261312 38, 19, 18


Name Hex RGB
orange-50 #FFE7CE 255, 231, 206
orange-100 #FED3AF 254, 211, 175
orange-150 #FCC192 252, 193, 146
orange-200 #F9AE77 249, 174, 119
orange-300 #EC8B49 236, 139, 73
orange-400 #DA702C 218, 112, 44
orange-500 #CB6120 203, 97, 32
orange-600 #BC5215 188, 82, 21
orange-700 #9D4310 157, 67, 16
orange-800 #71320D 113, 50, 13
orange-850 #59290D 89, 41, 13
orange-900 #40200D 64, 32, 13
orange-950 #27180E 39, 24, 14


Name Hex RGB
yellow-50 #FAEEC6 250, 238, 198
yellow-100 #F6E2A0 246, 226, 160
yellow-150 #F1D67E 241, 214, 126
yellow-200 #ECCB60 236, 203, 96
yellow-300 #DFB431 223, 180, 49
yellow-400 #D0A215 208, 162, 21
yellow-500 #BE9207 190, 146, 7
yellow-600 #AD8301 173, 131, 1
yellow-700 #8E6B01 142, 107, 1
yellow-800 #664D01 102, 77, 1
yellow-850 #503D02 80, 61, 2
yellow-900 #3A2D04 58, 45, 4
yellow-950 #241E08 36, 30, 8


Name Hex RGB
green-50 #EDEECF 237, 238, 207
green-100 #DDE2B2 221, 226, 178
green-150 #CDD597 205, 213, 151
green-200 #BEC97E 190, 201, 126
green-300 #A0AF54 160, 175, 84
green-400 #879A39 135, 154, 57
green-500 #768D21 118, 141, 33
green-600 #66800B 102, 128, 11
green-700 #536907 83, 105, 7
green-800 #3D4C07 61, 76, 7
green-850 #313D07 49, 61, 7
green-900 #252D09 37, 45, 9
green-950 #1A1E0C 26, 30, 12


Name Hex RGB
cyan-50 #DDF1E4 221, 241, 228
cyan-100 #BFE8D9 191, 232, 217
cyan-150 #A2DECE 162, 222, 206
cyan-200 #87D3C3 135, 211, 195
cyan-300 #5ABDAC 90, 189, 172
cyan-400 #3AA99F 58, 169, 159
cyan-500 #2F968D 47, 150, 141
cyan-600 #24837B 36, 131, 123
cyan-700 #1C6C66 28, 108, 102
cyan-800 #164F4A 22, 79, 74
cyan-850 #143F3C 20, 63, 60
cyan-900 #122F2C 18, 47, 44
cyan-950 #101F1D 16, 31, 29


Name Hex RGB
blue-50 #E1ECEB 225, 236, 235
blue-100 #C6DDE8 198, 221, 232
blue-150 #ABCFE2 171, 207, 226
blue-200 #92BFDB 146, 191, 219
blue-300 #66A0C8 102, 160, 200
blue-400 #4385BE 67, 133, 190
blue-500 #3171B2 49, 113, 178
blue-600 #205EA6 32, 94, 166
blue-700 #1A4F8C 26, 79, 140
blue-800 #163B66 22, 59, 102
blue-850 #133051 19, 48, 81
blue-900 #12253B 18, 37, 59
blue-950 #101A24 16, 26, 36


Name Hex RGB
purple-50 #F0EAEC 240, 234, 236
purple-100 #E2D9E9 226, 217, 233
purple-150 #D3CAE6 211, 202, 230
purple-200 #C4B9E0 196, 185, 224
purple-300 #A699D0 166, 153, 208
purple-400 #8B7EC8 139, 126, 200
purple-500 #735EB5 115, 94, 181
purple-600 #5E409D 94, 64, 157
purple-700 #4F3685 79, 54, 133
purple-800 #3C2A62 60, 42, 98
purple-850 #31234E 49, 35, 78
purple-900 #261C39 38, 28, 57
purple-950 #1A1623 26, 22, 35


Name Hex RGB
magenta-50 #FEE4E5 254, 228, 229
magenta-100 #FCCFDA 252, 207, 218
magenta-150 #F9B9CF 249, 185, 207
magenta-200 #F4A4C2 244, 164, 194
magenta-300 #E47DA8 228, 125, 168
magenta-400 #CE5D97 206, 93, 151
magenta-500 #B74583 183, 69, 131
magenta-600 #A02F6F 160, 47, 111
magenta-700 #87285E 135, 40, 94
magenta-800 #641F46 100, 31, 70
magenta-850 #4F1B39 79, 27, 57
magenta-900 #39172B 57, 23, 43
magenta-950 #24131D 36, 19, 29