Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud : Part 1 - Restful Web Services with Spring Boot
- Formation:
- Resources de la formation: GitHub et FAQ
- What is a RESTful Web Service?
- How to implement RESTful Web Services with Spring and Spring Boot?
- What are the best practices in designing RESTful Web Services?
- How to design Resources and GET, POST and DELETE operations?
- How to implement Validation for RESTful Web Services?
- How to implement Exception Handling for RESTful Web Services?
- What is HATEOAS? How to implement HATEOAS for a Resource?
- What are the different approach in versioning RESTful Services?
- How to use Postman to execute RESTful Service Requests?
- How to implement basic authentication with Spring Security?
- How to implement filtering for RESTful Services?
- How to monitor RESTful Services with Spring Boot Actuator?
- How to document RESTful Web Services with Swagger?
- How to connect RESTful Services to a backend with JPA?
- Service Definition :
- OData (standard for REST Service Definition), pas très utilisé, à voir si curieux...sinon en rester aux formats alternatifs (mais non standards) : WADL (pas populaire), et surtout Swagger.
- Swagger : just put one dependency (springfox-swagger2) and a @Configuration (see SwaggerConfig class in this project) to get doc in json via endpoint /v2/api-docs , and another one (springfox-swagger-ui) to get Swagger UI via /swagger-ui.html
- Exception handling : ResponseEntityExceptionHandler, @ControllerAdvice, ResponseEntity
- Validations : @Valid, javax.validation.constraints.* (@Size, @Past etc)
- HATEOAS : Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State; With HATEOAS, a client interacts with a network application whose application servers provide information dynamically through hypermedia
- Internationalization : LocaleContextHolder, AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver
- Content Negociation : just add
to support response in xml (just an example) - Monitoring : actuator, hal browser, management.endpoints.web.exposure.include
- Static Filtering : simply put an
on each field to filter - Dynamic Filtering : wrap the POJO into a
and pass it in to the RestTemplate (the biggest issue for me is the hardcoded fields name);SimpleBeanPropertyFilter
in the POJO.- As a user commented,
could be a good/better alternative; the biggest advantage of@JsonView
is that there is no hardcoding of field names to filter, see
- As a user commented,
- Versioning : 2 main strategies: URI/REQUESTPARAM versioning or CUSTOMHEADER/MEDIATYPE versioning, the first one is maybe the best
- Security / Basic Authentification : just add
as a dependency - REST best practices : See Octo Technology Reference Card, a MUST READ!!
- Richardson Maturity Model
- Level 0 : exposer les webservices SOAP en REST-style
- Level 1 : exposer les RESOURCES avec les URI qui conviennent (sans encore utiliser les bonnes méthodes HTTP)
- Level 2 : Level 1 + utilisation correcte des méthodes HTTP
- (GET|POST) http://server/accounts
- (GET|PUT|DELETE) http://server/accounts/10
- Level 3 : Level 2 + HATEOAS
- Le client doit comprendre les WS
- avoir une documentation suffisante et compréhensible
- Utiliser au mieux les possibilités offertes par HTTP
- Notamment en utilisant ses méthodes (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) de façon appropriée
- Renvoyer le satut de réponse le plus approprié (pas juste un 200, mais un 201 par exemple lors d'une création)
- 200 - success
- 404 - resource not found
- 400 - bad request
- 201 - created
- 401 - unauthorized
- 500 - server error
- Pas d'informations sensibles dans les URI
- Préférer le PLURIEL au SINGULIER
- Préférer /users à /user
- Préférer /users/1 to /user/1
- Préférer des NOMS plutôt que des VERBES pour les resources
- Préférer DELETE /users/1 plutôt que DELETE /deleteUser/1
- PUT /posts/{id}/star // pour ajouter une étoile à un post
- DELETE /posts/{id}/star // pour supprimer une étoile à un post
- Richardson Maturity Model
- In IntelliJ, run maven goal spring-boot-run
- Enable Devtools with IntelliJ :
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data JPA - Query Creation
- Spring HATEOAS
- Internationalization
- Content Negociation
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Security
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: