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5. Adding pages to the website

Keenon Werling edited this page Jun 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

To maintain the docs, first make sure you have Sphinx and our Read The Docs theme installed:

pip3 install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

Then, navigate to www/docs in your terminal, and run make html.

That'll create a folder, _build, which will contain the HTML for the docs.

For a tutorial on how to edit .rst (ReStructuredText) files, see the Sphinx Tutorial

Happy writing!

We host on Amazon S3. Currently, the site is on Keenon's personal AWS account, so ping him if you want to push changes to the docs. You'll need to push your doc changes (either to a branch, or straight to master), and then Keenon can pull, build the updated HTML files, and upload them to our site.