- The Add-On provides extensive options for customizing & optimizing workflows.
- An all-in-one collection of Scripts, Tools, Macros and Pie-Menus, etc.
- Modular - The kit is composed of separate modules that can be enabled or disabled.
- At your discretion - No preset shortcuts
For Latest Updates & The Pro-version of keKit,
Check out the HOMEPAGE
- Please read installation/updating instructions (also available below)
- Most recent updates: Release Notes
- Older updates can be found in the Back-log
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- keKit demos & other videos on YouTube
- Public feedback & discussion at BlenderArtists
- keKit Deprecated: A separate Add-on with discontinued kekit features
- Install zip-file from prefs/add-ons in Blender
- Do not extract zip-file manually
To avoid potential issues when updating keKit - Follow these steps exactly:
- Quit Blender
- Delete the kekit add-on folder manually - Located HERE
- Do manually extract the new keKit folder from the downloaded zip-file there.
- Restart blender
- You can transfer the keKit prefs file from the user config folder, between Blender version installs, or different computers.
- Export/Import keKit prefs in the add-on preferences.
- keKit is found in the 3d viewport tabs (the "N-panel")
- Mouse-hover over each script in the keKit panels for tool-tip pop-ups.
- Right mouse button for shortcut assignment.
- Note: No keKit-default shortcuts are preset - you manage your own shortcuts.