A curated list of awesome resource for photonic engineers, physicists and hobbyists
Most tools in this list are written or have a python interface, which require some basic knowledge of python. If you are new to python you can find many books, YouTube videos and courses available online. If you are new to Git and Python I recommend reading this article
- layout: define the geometrical shapes that guide the light.
- simulation: simulate how photons propagate, and optimize the geometrical shapes
- lab automation: Control instruments in the lab
- data analysis
- electronics
- other links
gdstk - from gdspy author, made it faster
klayout - layout viewer with python API
- xsection, klayout-ipc, klayout-gadgets, lytest, lymask
- zero-pdk - klayout pure python pdk.
- KQcircuits - Quantum circuits pdk.
- siepic-tools - code driven PCells and GUI driven layouts.
- siepic-ebeam-pdk
- gds3xtrude
- spicex: netlist extraction
- simplify polygons
- klayout python
- klayout cross-section in python - Port from ruby to python to xsection macro
shapely based tools
- gdshelpers - includes superconducting detectors.
- dphox - includes 3D MEMs structures
Technology Specific:
- Ayar cell generator
- BerkeleyPhotonicsGenerator
- qiskit-metal - IBM superconducting based qubits.
layout viewers
mode solver:
component design:
- FDTD - Finite differences time domain.
- meep FDTD
- emopt FDTD
- Python 3D FDTD simulator - Written in PyTorch.
- tidy3d client docs and code - Server is propietary.
- FDFD - Finite differences frequency domain.
- EME - Eigen mode expansion.
- SiPANN (neural networks for photonics component design)
- inverse design
- ray tracing:
- adaptive optics
- simphox
- FDTD - Finite differences time domain.
circuit simulation:
- SAX code and docs - Differentiable circuit solver.
- simphony (linear circuit solver)
- photontorch docs - code - Includes time domain.
- opics
- SignalIntegrity (linear circuit simulation)
- scikit-rf RF simulator
- pyFDA filter design code and docs
- Xyce - open source, SPICE-compatible, high-performance analog circuit simulator.
material database
lithography simulation
lab automation repos:
- lightlab repo docs
- instrumental
- pymeasure
- pyrolab
- LabEXT docs and code
- hardware testing framework - Google
- pic-wafer - MIT
- laval python lab
- ubc automated pic-tester
- labrad
- autogator - camera-assisted motion control and experiment configuration of photonic integrated circuit interrogation platforms.
- pandas
- dask
schematic capture:
- skidl: netlist formatting, writing, and reading
- elkjs code demo - Javascript schematic editor.
circuit simulation
- lcapy - Linear circuit analysis.
- pyspice
- Spice book
open source pdks