This code implements a set of algorithms to solve for the thermodynamic stability of clathrate hydrates. This code is motivated by the executable program CSMGem and its foundational work published in the scientific literature ([Ballard and Sloan, 2002], [Jaeger et al, 2003], [Ballard and Sloan, 2004], [Ballard thesis]). It is intended to be a useful tool for the scientific community towards the progress of dynamic, fluid and heat flow models for mixed hydrates (i.e., multiple gas components). To that end, we hope to couple this code to numerical models using computationally inexpensive lookup tables.
This code was recently used in a manuscript that was published in June. It is currently being used to populate quaternary and ternary phase diagrams of mixed gas hydrates. I will upload some of those diagrams and the code used to generate them in the coming weeks. See hydrateflash_examples.ipynb for example usage of the code.