Kazoo UI Changes
Difference between 3.21 and 3.22
Maintenance/Community Commits
- Jean-Roch Maitre Merge branch 'voxter-feature-copy-callflow-button'
- Jean-Roch Maitre Merge branch 'feature-copy-callflow-button' of https://github.com/voxter/kazoo-ui into voxter-feature-copy-callflow-button Conflicts: whapps/voip/callflow/tmpl/buttons.html
- Jean-Roch Maitre Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Conflicts: whapps/voip/device/lang/en.js
- Lucas Bussey Removing new line to resolve PR conflict
- Jean-Roch Maitre Merge branch 'voxter-feature-device-reboot-button-wip'
- JRMaitre Merge pull request #32 from voxter/feature-custom-kvs Dynamic callflows by way of custom KVS. Also includes the ability to …
- JRMaitre Merge pull request #35 from voxter/feature-trunkstore-pbx-outbound-flags Adds field in PBX/trunkstore UI to set outbound flags
- root/Lucas Bussey Updated outbound flags to correct property name
- Lucas Bussey Added outbound_flags field to PBX Connector (trunkstore)
- Lucas Bussey Added API v2 URL to config
- Lucas Bussey Added success dialog when rebooting device
- Lucas Bussey Reboot button and functionality added
- Lucas Bussey Added button that will copy/duplicate an existing callflow and strip out assigned numbers.
- Lucas Bussey Dynamic callflows by way of custom KVS. Also includes the ability to navigate to a sub-callflow object and jump back.
- Jean-Roch Maitre UI-1787: Added help text to play entry tone
- Jean-Roch Maitre UI-1787: play_entry_tone/play_exit_tone
- Telephonic - GSNZ Localizations Update NL, RU and ZH translations.
- Bilal Ahmed Add export csv functionality using browser CDR cache