Thanks for visiting my GitHub page!
My name is Kayla and in May 2020 I enrolled in a 💻 web development bootcamp. Now I'm doing an internship with Amazon as a Software Development Engineer. I'm still new to all this but I'm proud of the progress I've made in the pastyear and I'm excited to keep learning.
📚 I'm currently studying: 📚
- 🕹️ Game making with Vanilla JavaScript
- ♨️ Java
- ✔️ Vue.js
- ☁️ AWS
So take a look around and get in touch if you have anything to ask or share. You can reach me here:
Thanks and happy coding! 🖖
function becomeProgrammer(kayla){
if (kayla === "very tired"){
return takeNap(kayla);
} else {
return writeCode(kayla);