This project aims to develop common data structures in C++ such as binary search tree, queue, stack, hashtable, graph, max-min heap
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf cppunit-1.13.2.tar.gz
$ cd cppunit-1.13.2
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
$ make
$ make install
$ . ../scripts/
- Install CppUnit using the instructions.
- Build project and run unit tests using the following commands:
$ make
$ make run_tests
- Work in progress for CMake support:
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild
$ cmake --build build -- -j3
- Source files naming:
- All letters must be lower case.
- Struct, Class, Function naming:
- Only the first letter of each word is uppercase and the rest are lowercase.
- Every bracket has a new line before and after.