This is our implementation for AAAI'23 oral paper SEAT: Stable and Explainable Attention. We provide detailed environment setup and script for quickly running our experiments.
- We use Python 3.6 in our experiments. Please Use the following command to install the dependencies:
pip install -r ./attention/requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en
- Preprocess the dataset using the following command.
python ./attention/preprocess/
python ./attention/preprocess/
- Export current dir to PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:"the-dir-of-root-of-repo"
- build the git repository
#In the root directory
git init
git commit
First train the baseline models and then the model ckpt and attention score will be saved in the output directory
python ./attention/ --dataset sst --data_dir . --output_dir ./outputs/ --attention tanh --encoder simple-rnn --exp_name baseline --train_mode std_train --bsize 32 --n_epoch 20 --seed 2 --lr 0.01
python ./attention/ --dataset sst --data_dir . --output_dir ./outputs/ --attention tanh \
--encoder simple-rnn \
--exp_name baseline --lambda_1 1 --lambda_2 1000 --pgd_radius 0.001 --x_pgd_radius 0.01 \
--K 7 --seed 2 --train_mode adv_train --bsize 32 --n_epoch 20 --lr 0.01 --method ours \
- Please replace method slot with choice from ['word-at', 'word-iat', 'attention-iat', 'attention-at', 'attention-rp'] to evalute baseline methods.
python ./attention/ --dataset sst --data_dir . --output_dir ./outputs/ --attention tanh \
--encoder simple-rnn \
--exp_name baseline --lambda_1 1 --lambda_2 1000 --pgd_radius 0.001 --x_pgd_radius 0.01 \
--K 7 --seed 2 --train_mode adv_train --bsize 32 --n_epoch 20 --lr 0.01 --method [the-method-you-wanna-test] \
- Thanks code provided by Sarthak Jain & Byron Wallace for their paper Attention is not not Explanation
title={Seat: stable and explainable attention},
author={Hu, Lijie and Liu, Yixin and Liu, Ninghao and Huai, Mengdi and Sun, Lichao and Wang, Di},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},