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GitHub CLI extension to create and generate a report of repository rulesets for repos and orgs.


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A GitHub gh CLI extension to create a report containing repository rulesets for a single repository, list of repositories, and/or organization, as well as create repository rulesets from a file.


The authenticated user must be an organization owner and a GitHub Personal Access Token needs the admin:read scope at the organization level to use this CLI extension to it's fullest.


  1. Install the gh CLI - see the installation instructions.

  2. Install the extension:

    gh extension install katiem0/gh-migrate-rulesets

For more information: gh extension install.


The gh-migrate-rulesets extension supports and GitHub Enterprise Server, through the use of --hostname and the following commands:

$ gh migrate-rulesets -h
List and create repository/organization level rulesets for repositories in an organization.

  migrate-rules [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create repository rulesets
  list        Generate a report of rulesets for repositories and/or organization.

  -h, --help   help for migrate-rules

Use "migrate-rules [command] --help" for more information about a command.

List Repository Rulesets

The gh migrate-rulesets list command will create a csv report of repository rulesets for the specified <organization> and/or [repo ..] list, with the ability to specify the --host-name and --token associated to a Server instance. If only <organization> is provided, all repositories will be used.

To specify the type of ruleset to list, setting the --ruleType flag will either list:

  • all: Organization level, and repository level rulesets
  • repoOnly: Repository level rulesets for list of repos or all repos under <organization>
  • orgOnly: Organization level rulesets only
$ gh migrate-rulesets list -h
Generate a report of rulesets for a list of repositories and/or organization.

  migrate-rules list [flags] <organization> [repo ...]

  -d, --debug                To debug logging
  -h, --help                 help for list
      --hostname string      GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
  -o, --output-file string   Name of file to write CSV list to (default "ruleset-20240819094546.csv")
  -r, --ruleType string      List rulesets for a specific application or all: {all|repoOnly|orgOnly} (default "all")
  -t, --token string         GitHub Personal Access Token (default "gh auth token")

The output csv file contains the following information:

Click to Expand output csv file contents
Field NameDescription
RulesetLevelIndicates whether the ruleset is at the organization or repository level.
RepositoryNameIf repository level ruleset, the name of the repository where the data is extracted from. For Organization rulesets, this is `N/A`.
RuleIDUnique identifier for the rule.
RulesetNameName of the ruleset.
TargetIndicates the type of ruleset, can be `branch`, `tag`, or `push`.
EnforcementEnforcement level of the ruleset (e.g., `active`, `evaluate`, or `disabled`).
BypassActorsActors who can bypass the ruleset, specified in the format `ID;Role;Name;Condition`.
ConditionsRefNameIncludeArray of `ref` names to include in the ruleset conditions.
ConditionsRefNameExcludeArray of `ref` names to exclude from the ruleset conditions.
ConditionsRepoNameIncludeArray of repository names to include in the ruleset conditions.
ConditionsRepoNameExcludeArray of repository names to exclude from the ruleset conditions.
ConditionsRepoNameProtectedIndicates whether renaming of target repositories is prevented.
ConditionRepoPropertyIncludeArray of repository properties values to include in the ruleset conditions.
ConditionRepoPropertyExcludeArray of repository properties values to exclude from the ruleset conditions.
RulesCreationOnly allow users with bypass permission to create matching refs.
RulesUpdateOnly allow users with bypass permissions to delete matching refs.
RulesDeletionPrevent merge commits from being pushed to matching refs.
RulesRequiredLinearHistoryPrevent merge commits from being pushed to matching refs.
RulesMergeQueueMerges must be performed via a merge queue. In the format `check_response_timeout_minutes|grouping_strategy|max_entries_to_build|max_entries_to_merge|merge_method|min_entries_to_merge|min_entries_to_merge_wait_minutes`
RulesRequiredDeploymentsChoose which environments must be successfully deployed to before refs can be pushed into a ref that matches this rule. Includes `required_deployment_environments` array.
RulesRequiredSignaturesCommits pushed to matching refs must have verified signatures.
RulesPullRequestRequire all commits be made to a non-target branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged. In the format `dismiss_stale_reviews_on_push|require_code_owner_review|require_last_push_approval|required_approving_review_count|required_review_thread_resolution`
RulesRequiredStatusChecksChoose which status checks must pass before the ref is updated. An array of required status check rules, in the format `do_not_enforce_on_create|required_status_checks:{context|integration}|strict_required_status_checks_policy`
RulesNonFastForwardPrevent users with push access from force pushing to refs.
RulesCommitMessagePatternIndicates commit message patterns and matching. In the format `Name|Negate|Operator|Pattern`
RulesCommitAuthorEmailPatternIndicates commit author email patterns and matching. In the format `Name|Negate|Operator|Pattern`
RulesCommitterEmailPatternIndicates committer email patterns and matching. In the format `Name|Negate|Operator|Pattern`
RulesBranchNamePatternIndicates branch name patterns and matching. In the format `Name|Negate|Operator|Pattern`
RulesTagNamePatternIndicates tag name patterns and matching. In the format `Name|Negate|Operator|Pattern`
RulesFilePathRestrictionPrevent commits that include changes in specified file paths from being pushed to the commit graph.
RulesFilePathLengthPrevent commits that include file paths that exceed a specified character limit from being pushed to the commit graph.
RulesFileExtensionRestrictionRestrictions on file extensions for the ruleset.
RulesMaxFileSizeMaximum file size allowed to be pushed to the commit.
RulesWorkflowsRequire all changes made to a targeted branch to pass the specified workflows before they can be merged. An array of workflow rules, in the format `do_not_enforce_on_create|workflows:{Path|ref|repository_id|sha}`
RulesCodeScanningChoose which tools must provide code scanning results before the reference is updated. An array of code scanning rules in the format `{Tool|SecurityAlertsThreshold|AlertsThreshold}`
CreatedAtTimestamp of when the ruleset was created.
UpdatedAtTimestamp of when the ruleset was last updated.

Create Repository Rulesets

Repository Rulesets can be created from a csv file using --from-file following the format outlined in gh-migrate-rulesets list, or specifying the --source-org and/or --repos to retrieve rulesets from.


If your rulesets include the following rules, ensure that the csv has been updated to point to the updated information under your organization:

  • Bypass Actors: Update Actor ID for Teams, Roles, and Integrations
  • Status Checks: Ensure Context name exists and update Integration ID
  • Code Scanning: Ensure Tool name exists
  • Workflows: Update Repository ID to point to the correct repo/workflow
  • Required Deployments: Ensure deployment names exist for the repository
$ gh migrate-rulesets create -h                                                   
Create repository rulesets at the repo and/or org level from a file or list.

  migrate-rules create [flags] <organization>

  -d, --debug                    To debug logging
  -f, --from-file string         Path and Name of CSV file to create rulesets from
  -h, --help                     help for create
      --hostname string          GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
  -R, --repos strings            List of repositories names to recreate rulesets for separated by commas (i.e. repo1,repo2,repo3)
  -r, --ruleType string          List rulesets for a specific application or all: {all|repoOnly|orgOnly} (default "all")
      --source-hostname string   GitHub Enterprise Server hostname where rulesets are copied from (default "")
  -s, --source-org string        Name of the Source Organization to copy rulesets from
  -p, --source-pat string        GitHub personal access token for Source Organization (default "gh auth token")
  -t, --token string             GitHub personal access token for organization to write to (default "gh auth token")

If specifying --source-org and/or --repos, the CLI extension will attempt to map the object based on name to the new ID under the target organization:

  • Bypass Actors
    • Teams
    • Custom Repository Roles
    • Integrations
  • Status Checks
    • Context
  • Required Workflow
    • Repository


If a ruleset fails to be created, a ruleset's Source, Name, and Error will be written to a csv file in the current directory with the name format <org>-ruleset-errors-<date>.csv.


GitHub CLI extension to create and generate a report of repository rulesets for repos and orgs.






