A generative computer music album. Find it here, https://theprocessparty.bandcamp.com/album/platos-idea
This is my first all out Computer Music Experiment as part of the project The Process Party and I'm calling it Plato's Idea. Made entirely using all FOSS, SuperCollider, TidalCycles and Audacity, and I feel much grateful to the people who are working on all of these technologies. Mine's a beautiful world because of them.
So the album is basically an algorithm running in tandem on SuperCollider and TidalCycles. To run it, you'll need to have both of these installed on your system, and then head on over to SuperCollider, open up the 2-18-platosidea-main.scd file, and do exactly as it says.
I've included my acoustic guitar samples here as well! Have fun messing around with things.