What to watch tonight is a movie recommendation system that uses collaborative filtering algorithms to suggest movies to users. It has two components :
- Back- end system
- Training and recommendation system
- Webserver system
- Front-end system
The fron-end system and back-end system can be found in their own individual directory. The entire front-end system is live at https://karundawadi.github.io/WTWT/
- Install the latest version of Python
- Install the latest version of node.js
- Install the latest version of git
- Setup for backend
i. Install pip by typing
$ python -m ensurepip --upgrade
ii. You can install all the dependencies found onrequirements.txt
at Documentation/back_end/requirements.txt using pip in a virtual environment or in your working environement.$ python pip install pandas
$ python pip install numpy
$ python pip install flask
$ python pip install flask-cors
- Navigate to the cloned folder in your terminal
- Navigate to the back_end directory
i. Start the backend server by typing
python back_end.py
- Navigate to front_end directory
i. Install the node modules by typing
npm install
ii. Start the web server by typingnpm start
You can fork the repository to make further changes. You can also raise issues if you encounter any.
Python and its various libraries (Pandas
, Numpy
) are used to develop the back end system.
The training and recommendation is done using the data avialble at https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/
Front end system is written using Javascript and its various libraries (React
,Materail UI
). The live version hosted at https://karundawadi.github.io/WTWT . This does not work until the backend server is started. Please follow the steps to run to start the backend server.
- Node.js
- React.js
- Material UI
- Bootstrap
- Axios
- Python
- Flask
- Flask-CORS
- Pandas
- Numpy