Dedicated Full Stack Developer | UI/UX Enthusiast | Open to Collaborations
I'm Kartik Mishra, a passionate web developer with a strong focus on crafting responsive and captivating user experiences. My expertise lies in the MERN stack, where I create clean, user-friendly interfaces and build full-stack applications. Currently, I'm diving deeper into React and exploring various project ideas to enhance my skills.
- Buy Me a Soda: A platform where users can create their page, showcase business ideas, and raise funds for their projects. Built using Next.js with GitHub login, page creation, and fund-raising features.
- ZyloNet: A social media web app built with the MERN stack featuring user registration, post creation, and real-time messaging.
- NimbusBook: A cloud-based notes-making app with authentication and CRUD functionality.
- Plate Pages: A single-page application for browsing food recipes with a clean and responsive UI.
- TxtOptimizer: A React-based app focused on learning and practicing core React concepts.
- FXRateMaster: A currency converter app providing real-time exchange rates, built with React and API integration.
- Deepening my understanding of Firebase, Next.js, and TypeScript.
- Integrating Agora for real-time voice and video communication in apps.
I love experimenting with CSS to create beautiful layouts and animations, making the web a more visually appealing space!
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to explore my repositories and get in touch if you'd like to collaborate!