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I posted here C++ Cuda C code to calculate three kind of images: differential phase images, absorption images, and visibility images. The raw data for images calculation are M_fg = 5 foreground (fg) images nad M_bg = 5 background (bg) images. The raw input foreground and background images are encoded as unsigned 16 bit integers. The size of input images is 1536 x 512 pixels (H x V). The program has input path for folder with foreground images <path_to_fg_folder>. The program has input path for folder with background images <path_to_bg_folder>. The final differential phase, absorption, and visibility images are saved to the <path_to_output_folder>. The foreground images are organized in folders from folder 000001 to folder 011200. Therefore, <no_subfolder_fg_initial = 1> and <no_subfolder_fg_final = 11200>. The background images are organized in folders from folder 000001 to folder 011200. Therefore, <no_subfolder_bg_initial = 1> and <no_subfolder_bg_final = 11200>. The input raw images for foregorund are saved into the <image_buffer_1D_fg> on the host. The content of <image_buffer_1D_fg> is copied to the <image_buffer_1D_fg_GPU> on the device or GPU. The input raw images for background are saved ino the <image_buffer_1D_bg> on the host. The content of <image_buffer_1D_bg> is copied to the <image_buffer_1D_bg_GPU> on the device or GPU. The calculation is running on the GPU. The differrential phase, absorbtion and visibility images calculated on the GPU are stored in the <dph_image_GPU>, <abs_image_GPU>, and <vis_image_GPU>. The differrential phase, absorbtion and visibility images calculated on the GPU are copied to the host to the <dph_image>, <abs_image>, and <vis_image>. The final double encoded images are saved to the output folder. The kernel global function running on the device or GPU uses only and <math.h>. The mathematics was simplified not to use complex numbers. The size of the images is 1536 x 512 pixels, therefore, kernel calculation runs on the 1536 blocks and 512 threads, what is the size of the images. The maximum number of threads for single block on my GPU is 1024 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080). The size 512 is less than 1024. The example foreground raw images and background raw images for folder 000001 are attached to this project as well.