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Software Process Project


  1. Karlo Gonzales

  2. Ivan Ilyushchenko

  3. Dennis Zhao Lin Liu

  4. Keven Abellard

  5. Ankit Rajan

  6. Kuan Jiang

Trello Scrum Board:

(Tentative) User Stories:

As a student, I want to...

  1. be able to respond to the teacher's questions anonymously (towards my peers) so that I can answer without fearing the judgement of my peers

  2. receive feedback on the accuracy of my answers from my teacher so I dont have to wait for quiz to test my understanding of the subject

  3. Be able to change my answer so that my answer can evolve with my understanding of the question

As a teacher, I want to...

  1. be able to ask multiple choice questions about the lecture topics, so that I can test the understanding of my students of the lecture's material

  2. see the number of students that chose each option so I can see which percentage of the class understand the topics, and where people make mistakes

  3. [that] each of my student to answer the question only once, so that I can have accurate results in the analytics of the questions

  4. be able to implement a time limit so that I can control the amount of time spent on each question

  5. be able to save my questions