covfefe is a simple balance tracking tool for managing purchases of any items by users.
Adjust the config according to your needs. At least the following are required:
- domain: "domain.TLD" --> Regex to allow only users with email addresses ending in domain.TLD
- emailDomain: "^.+@domain.TLD$" --> Regex to allow only users with email addresses ending in domain.TLD
- emailSender: "covfefe@domain.TLD" --> Email address to send emails from
Search and replace the following according to your needs:
- domain.TLD --> Regex to allow only users with email addresses ending in domain.TLD
- covfefe.domain.TLD --> URL for the app
Build the docker image:
docker build -t covfefe .
docker-compose up
- Add a new user to the database
- Set the admin flag for the user to true (e.g., via mongo-express http://domain.TLD/8081)
- Update other users (e.g. their balance)
The following commands should be run inside the data
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/covfefe,target=/covfefe --network covfefe_default --rm mongo mongodump --host covfefe_mongo_1 --username root --authenticationDatabase admin --password example --db=covfefe --out=.
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/covfefe,target=/covfefe,readonly --network covfefe_default --rm mongo mongorestore --host covfefe_mongo_1 --username root --authenticationDatabase admin --password example --db=covfefe /covfefe
In order to add users to covfefe, you have to follow the following steps.
- sign up @ http://domain.TLD/signup
- fill in the first and last name as well as the email address of the user
- the password cannot be blank at the moment but does not have a function, so, e.g., just type
- if successful, you can click signout, and you can now proceed with the next step and update the balance of the newly created user
In order to update users, you have to sign in with a user account that has admin privileges.
- sign in @ http://domain.TLD/signin
- filter for the name of the person you want to edit
- click the updated icon
- click the edit
- make the changes necessary and hit update
- sign-up/sign-in (sign-in is only required for admins)
- uses mongodb, express, angular, and node
- create order
- edit order
- delete order
- list orders
- view user
- stock
- order frequency
- order distribution
- user updates (such as balance)
- user deletion