first open the project in vs code from the parent {root} folder to make sure every track github will tracks once you open it
to run the project in terminal cd frontend > project > first make sure that you have node installed then enter npm start
once its open you will see the Home section to go to student section ... in url add /stu to go to admain section ... in url add /admain to check more of the routes and urls open App.js
tasks: 1_ go to admain dashboard > Add user and make a user student or admain for now 2_ then make sure thats works from the login page ... if it works .. 3_ if the email was pointing to a student .... then go to student dashboard ...and change the name from componets > Header .... or Its an admain the same 4_at the same time change the Number of Students within componets > Cards > AdmainIntroCards