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Table of Contents


RecAnthology (Recommended Anthology) is an intelligent recommendation system designed to curate collections of books, movies, and TV shows based on user preferences. By leveraging advanced algorithms and user feedback, RecAnthology aims to provide personalized recommendations that cater to individual tastes, making the discovery of new content seamless and enjoyable. The latest version includes expanded content, improved performance, and enhanced user management features.


  • User authentication and authorization using JWT
  • Rate books, movies, and TV shows with a rating system
  • Track user genre preferences based on ratings
  • API endpoints for CRUD operations on users, books, movies, and TV shows
  • Personalized recommendations based on user preferences and feedback
  • Expanded content with over 50k movies and shows, and up to 6k books
  • Added caching for improved performance
  • Comprehensive model testing for error detection
  • Enhanced data validation logic

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Database: MariaDB (for production) [SQLite could be used for development by changing some code in]
  • Frontend: [None at the moment]

Setup and Installation


  • Python 3.12.3 or higher (Not sure but may work on >=3.9)
  • Pipenv (or pip and virtualenv) (RECOMMENDED)
  • Mariadb or any similar SQL server (SQLite3 for development)


  • Clone the repository
git clone <>
cd RecAnthology
  • Set up the virtual environment:(RECOMMENDED)

Using Pipenv

python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Configure the database:

Using MariaDB or similar

  • Create a file in RecAnthology where the is and name it "cred.env"
  • Configure the following variables to your environment:
SECRET_KEY = ''## "Your secret key"
DEBUG = True ## Change to False in production
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] ## change it in production
ADMIN_PAGE = "admin/" ## Admin page url change in production
## If you are using SQL server 
DB_NAME = "[Name]"
DB_HOST = "localhost" ## Database IP or leave it localhost if it is in the same machine
DB_PORT = 3306 ## Database Port default is 3306
DB_COLLATION = "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" ## If you get an error from this delete it from the

Note: you can get a django secret key by using the following command (Remove the 3 from python if you get an error and check you are using the virtual environment)

python3 -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'

Using SQlite3

Replace the following code

    'default': {
        'OPTIONS': {
          'autocommit': True,

With this

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3",
  • Apply migrations:
python migrate
Create a superuser:
  • Create your admin user account
python createsuperuser
  • Run the development server:
python runserver


(TODO) Access the API documentation

Login and obtain a token

Use the provided endpoint to authenticate and obtain a JWT token for further requests to the private endpoints

Interact with the API

Use tools like Postman or the REST client in VSCode to interact with the API using the endpoints described below

API Endpoints

  • Authentication
    • Register: /users/register/
    • Login: /users/login/


  • Request: {"email":"(EMAIL)","first_name":"(FIRST NAME)","last_name":"(LAST NAME)","password":"(PASSWORD)"}
  • Response: 201 http status if created but 409 if a user with this email exists


  • Request: { "email": "(EMAIL)", "password": "(PASSWORD)" }
  • Response: { "access": "jwt-access-token", "refresh": "jwt-refresh-token" }

Logout: /users/token/refresh/ (POST)

  • Request: { "refresh": "jwt-refresh-token" }

  • Users

    • Create User: /users/register/ (POST)
    • Login: /users/login/ (POST)
    • Update User: /api/users/{id}/ (PUT/PATCH) (TODO)
    • Delete User: /api/users/{id}/ (DELETE) (TODO)

General Endpoints

  • Index: "/"
    • GET: Returns "OK".
    • Response: "OK"


  • All Books Genres: /api/books/genres/

    • GET: Retrieves all books genres.
    • Response: {"data": [Genre objects]}
  • Create a book Genre: /api/books/genre/create/

    • POST: Creates a new book genre. Requires admin authentication.
    • Request: { "name": "Genre Name" }
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: { "data": { "id": 1, "name": "Genre Name" } } if genre already exists.
      • 201 Created: { "data": { "id": 2, "name": "New Genre Name" } } if genre is created.
      • 400 Bad Request: If the request is invalid.
  • All TvMedia Genres: /api/tvmedia/genres/

    • GET: Retrieves all TvMedia genres.
    • Response: {"data": [Genre objects]}
  • Create a TvMedia Genre: /api/tvmedia/genre/create/

    • POST: Creates a new TvMedia genre. Requires admin authentication.
    • Request: { "name": "Genre Name" }
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: { "data": { "id": 1, "name": "Genre Name" } } if genre already exists.
      • 201 Created: { "data": { "id": 2, "name": "New Genre Name" } } if genre is created.
      • 400 Bad Request: If the request is invalid.


  • All Books: /api/books/

    • GET: Retrieves the top 50 books ordered by liked percentage.
    • Response: {"data": [Book objects]}
  • Create Book: /api/create/book/

    • POST: Creates a new book. Requires admin authentication.
    • Request: { "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", "genre": ["Genre1", "Genre2"], ... }
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: { "data": { "id": 1, "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", ... } } if book already exists.
      • 201 Created: { "data": { "id": 2, "title": "New Book Title", "author": "New Author Name", ... } } if book is created.
      • 400 Bad Request: If the request is invalid.
  • Get Book: /api/books/get/<id_query>/

    • GET: Retrieves a specific book by ID.
    • Response: { "data": { "id": "Book ID", "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", ... } }
      • Error: 400 Bad Request if no ID is provided.
  • Filter Books: /api/books/filter/

    • GET: Filters books based on title, author, and/or ID.
    • Request: { "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", "id": "Book ID" }
    • Response: {"data": [Filtered Book objects]}

Books Recommendations

  • Public Recommend Books: /api/books/recommend/public/

    • POST: Provides book recommendations based on genre ratings.
    • Request: { "Genre1": rating1, "Genre2": rating2, ... }
    • Response: {"length": number_of_books, "data": { "0": { "relativity": score, "book": { ... } }, ... } }
      • Error: 406 Not Acceptable if genres are invalid.
  • Private Recommend Books: /api/books/recommend/private/

    • GET: Provides personalized book recommendations based on user's genre preferences. Requires authentication.
    • Response: {"length": number_of_books, "data": { "0": { "relativity": score, "book": { ... } }, ... } }

TV Media

  • All TV Media: /api/tvmedia/

    • GET: Retrieves the top 50 TV media ordered by start year.
    • Response: {"data": [TvMedia objects]}
  • Create TV Media: /api/tvmedia/create/

    • POST: Creates a new TV media. Requires admin authentication.
    • Request: { "original_title": "Title","primary_title": "Title", "media_type": "Type", "startyear": Year, "genre": ["Genre1", "Genre2"], ... }
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: { "data": { "id": 1, "original_title": "Title","primary_title": "Title", "media_type": "Type", "startyear": Year, ... } } if TV media already exists.
      • 201 Created: { "data": { "id": 2, "original_title": "New Title", "media_type": "New Type", "startyear": New Year, ... } } if TV media is created.
      • 400 Bad Request: If the request is invalid.
  • Get TV Media: /api/tvmedia/get/<id_query>/

    • GET: Retrieves a specific TV media by ID query.
    • Response: { "data": { "id": "ID", "original_title": "Title","primary_title": "Title", "media_type": "Type", "startyear": Year, ... } }
  • Filter TV Media: /api/tvmedia/filter/

    • GET: Filters TV media based on title, media type, start year, and/or end year.
    • Request: { "title": "Title", "media_type": "Type", "start_year": StartYear, "end_year": EndYear }
    • Response: {"data": [Filtered TvMedia objects]}

TvMedia Recommendations

  • Public Recommend TV Media: /api/tvmedia/recommend/public/

    • POST: Provides TV media recommendations based on genre ratings.
    • Request: { "Genre1": rating1, "Genre2": rating2, ... }
    • Response: {"length": number_of_media, "data": { "0": { "relativity": score, "media": { ... } }, ... } }
      • Error: 406 Not Acceptable if genres are invalid.
  • Private Recommend TV Media: api/tvmedia/recommend/private/

    • GET: Provides personalized TV media recommendations based on user's genre preferences. Requires authentication.
    • Response: {"length": number_of_media, "data": { "0": { "relativity": score, "media": { ... } }, ... } }


  • Rate Book: /api/books/rate/

    • POST: Allows authenticated users to rate a book.
    • Request: { "book_id": "Book ID", "rating": 1-10 }
    • Response: { "data": { "id": "Rating ID", "user": "User ID", "book": "Book ID", "rating": 1-10 } }
      • Error: 400 Bad Request if the request is invalid.
  • Rate TvMedia: /api/tvmedia/rate/

    • POST: Allows authenticated users to rate a Tv Media.
    • Request: { "tvmedia": "TvMedia ID", "rating": 1-10 }
    • Response: { "data": { "id": "Rating ID", "user": "User ID", "tvmedia": "TvMEdia ID", "rating": 1-10 } }
      • Error: 400 Bad Request if the request is invalid.

Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following command

python test


  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature-branch-name.
  • Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add some feature'.
  • Push to the branch: git push origin feature-branch-name.
  • Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license - see the LICENSE file for details


If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out

Name: Karar Haider

LinkedIn: Karar Haider

GitHub: karar-hayder