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LiaScript Course

This a LiaScript course designed to teach you all the essentials required to write a course in LiaScript

Introduction to LiaScript

LiaScript is an open-source programming language designed for creating interactive online courses and tutorials. It allows authors to write instructional material in a simple text format, which can be easily converted into a variety of web-based formats, including HTML, Markdown, and LaTeX.

One of the key features of LiaScript is its ability to embed interactive elements directly into the course material. For example, authors can include quizzes, coding exercises, and interactive visualizations, which learners can interact with directly on the page. This helps to make the learning experience more engaging and effective.

LiaScript also includes support for a range of programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and R, allowing authors to include code examples and demonstrations in their courses.

Overall, LiaScript is a powerful tool for creating engaging and interactive online courses and tutorials, and is well-suited for use in educational settings.

LiaScript Setup

Using VS Code Extension


  1. Download VS Code

Install extension-

  1. Navigate to the extentions tab in VS code

  2. Download LiaScript-Preview

Start Documenting-

  1. Create a new file and press alt+shift+L to open up the live server preview for the course.Then open http://localhost:8000/home in your browser.

Using Node

You can also use NPM for the Lia Dev Server.

Steps to Install -

  1. Open Terminal and make sure node is installed.

  2. Run this command npm install g @liascript/devserver

Steps to Run Devserver-

  1. Open terminal and run liascript-devserver

  2. Then open http://localhost:3000 on your browser.

Syntax for building your course

You can use common Markdown syntax to create your course.

Adding Links

Syntax: [Text to be displayed](link)

To create a hyperlink, use the above syntax to add the text followed by the link.

Adding lists

Syntax: create the table using | and the partions between the rows with :----- symbols

  1. Ordered lists can be create by simply specifiying a number followed by a (.) before the title of the list.
  2. Unordered lists can be created by using the (*) symbol before the title of the list.

For Example:

  • Unordered List 1
  • Unordered List 2

You can also create tables like this-

Header 1 Header 2
Item 1 Item 2
Item 3 Item 4

Adding Images

Syntax: ![Alt Text](image link)

Greek vase painting: seated young man writes on a wax tablet with a stylus

This is a GIF

Adding music

Syntax: ?[ Alt Text]( Audio Link)

?Sappho: Ode to Aphrodite

Adding Videos

Syntax: !?[Alt Text](Link)

!?Greek Art History from Goodbye-Art Academy

Other Links

Syntax: ??[Alt Text](Link)

??Neck Amphora

??Capacitor simulation by Falstad


Animations in LiaScript are associated with double braces {begin-end}.


Add an number in double braces to the head of a block let it appear at a certain step.


Animations in LiaScript are associated with double braces {begin-end}.

I will begin at
animation-step 2 and end at step 3.

You can add a number in double braces and the text below it, will be TTS.

Tables and charts

1. Basics

Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1

Tables are created by using | symbols to define the columns. Below the heading of each column, ------- is added if a : is added on the right side of the hypens, then the text becomes right justified. Add it on both the ends and the text becomes center justified. By default, all text is left justified.

2. Bar charts

Syntax to change or remove charts- <!-- data-transpose data-type="none" --> add the type of chart you want as well

Animal weight in kg Lifespan years Mitogen
Mouse 0.028 02 95
Flying squirrel 0.085 15 50
Brown bat 0.020 30 10
Sheep 90 12 95
Human 68 70 10

As the amount of similar data increases, LiaScript will create charts to visualize the data.

3. Smart Visualization

Music-Style 1994 Classic Country Reggae Hip-Hop Hard-Rock Samba
Student rating 50 50 100 200 350 250

The chart created doesn't always have to be a bar chart. LiaScipt will automatically try to find an appropriate visualization based on the data.

4. Combination with animations

Music-Style {0-1}{1994} {1}{2014} Student rating
Classic {0-1}{50} {1}{20}
Country {0-1}{50} {1}{30}
Reggae 100
Hip-Hop {0-1}{200} {1}{220}
Hard-Rock {0-1}{350} {1}{400}
Samba {0-1}{250} {1}{230}

5. Customization

Seattle Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0 40.7 41.5 43.6 46.6 51.4 56.0 60.5 61.2 57.0 50.1 44.1 39.6
2 40.2 40.7 42.7 45.3 50.0 54.4 58.5 59.2 55.4 49.2 43.5 39.3
4 39.7 40.0 41.9 44.4 48.9 53.2 57.0 57.7 54.2 48.6 43.1 38.9
6 39.6 39.5 41.3 44.2 49.5 54.2 57.8 57.4 53.6 48.2 42.8 38.7
8 39.6 39.9 42.9 47.1 52.7 57.3 61.3 61.1 56.7 49.5 43.1 38.7
10 41.3 42.7 46.4 50.7 56.4 60.9 65.2 65.4 60.9 52.8 45.5 40.4
12 43.8 46.0 49.5 53.8 59.6 64.3 69.4 69.8 65.1 56.0 47.8 42.6
14 45.1 47.7 51.3 55.9 61.9 66.9 72.6 73.2 67.7 57.8 48.8 43.6
16 44.5 47.5 51.4 55.9 62.3 67.5 73.9 74.3 68.2 57.4 47.8 42.6
18 42.6 44.7 48.7 53.8 60.3 65.9 72.3 72.2 64.6 53.9 46.0 41.2
20 42.0 43.3 46.4 50.2 56.0 61.4 66.9 66.6 60.7 52.3 45.2 40.7
22 41.4 42.5 45.0 48.3 53.5 58.2 63.2 63.5 58.7 51.1 44.5 40.1

Similarly, we can also create heatmaps using similar syntax and also add data-title, data-ylabel, data-xlabel etc..


It is possible to create ASCII art by using ascii at the start and the end

Type 1

1.9 |
    |                 *
  y |               *   *
  - | r r r r r r r*r r r*r r r r r r r
  a |             *       *
  x |            *         *
  i | B B B B B * B B B B B * B B B B B
  s |         *               *
    | *  * *                     * *  *
 -1 +------------------------------------
    0              x-axis               1

Type 2

                                       Peer A
                                       Server-Reflexive    +---------+
                                       Transport Address   |         |
                                o         |
                                           |              /|         |
                         TURN              |             /^|  Peer A |
   Client's              Server            |            / ||         |
   Host Transport        Transport         |           /  ||         |
   Address               Address           |      ____/   |+---------+     |+-+  /      Peer A
           |               |               ||N| /       Host Transport
           |   +-+         |               ||A|/        Address
           |   | |         |               v|T|
           |   | |         |               /+-+
.---------.|   | |         |o---------o   /              #---------#
|         ||   |N|         ||         | _/               |         |
| TURN    |v   | |         v| TURN    |/                 |         |
| Client  |----|A|----------| Server  #------------------|  Peer B |
|         |    | |^         |         |^                ^|         |
|         |    |T||         |         ||                ||         |
'---------'    | ||         o---------o|                |#---------#
               | ||                    |                |
               | ||                    |                |
               +-+|                    |                |
                  |                    |                |
                  |                    |                |
            Client's                   |            Peer B
            Server-Reflexive    Relayed             Transport
            Transport Address   Transport Address   Address

Animal ASCII

       _.---._    /\\
    ./'       "--`\//
  ./              o \          .-----.
 /./\  )______   \__ \        ( help! )
./  / /\ \   | \ \  \ \       /`-----'
   / /  \ \  | |\ \  \7--- ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Combining ASCII with animations

😎                   👩

Bob                Alice
 |   "{1}{hello}"    |
 |                   |
 | "{2}{How r you?}" |
 |<- - - - - - - - - |
 |                   |
Bob                Alice

 😎                  👩


Syntax: - [ ] Task 2 and adding a x between the [] will make the box marked.

  • Task 1
  • Task 2


With LiaScript it is possible to create quizes (single answer and multiple answers). It is also possible to provide hints

Single answer

If $ I = \int (3x^{2}+125x+64) dx $, then what is $\int_{0}^{1} I dx$ equal to?

[( )] $\frac{159}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{171}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{221}{2}$ [(X)] $\frac{225}{2}$

Each option can be created using [( )] and the right answer can be marked by [(X)]

Adding hints and solutions

Hints can be added using [[?]] and the answer can be defined by adding ********************* before and after the solution

If $ I = \int (3x^{2}+125x+64) dx $, then what is $\int_{0}^{1} I dx$ equal to?

[( )] $\frac{159}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{171}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{221}{2}$ [(X)] $\frac{225}{2}$ [[?]] Integrate and apply the limits.

Consider $I = \int_{0}^{1} (3x^{2}+125x+64) dx$


$$ I = \Bigg[ \frac{3x^2}{3} + \frac{125x^2}{2} + 64x \Bigg]_{0}^{1} $$


$$ \Bigg( 3x^2 + \frac{125x^2}{2} + 64x \Bigg)_{0}^{1} $$


$$ 1 + \frac{125}{2} + 64 $$


$$ \therefore I = \frac{225}{2} $$

Muliple answers

Can you define a quiz with less effort?

  • [[ ]] Empty means not checked
  • [[X]] Uppercase X means checked ...
  • [[x]] ... and lowercase x too ...
  • [[ ]] as defined in the first line ...

This is LIa Syntax

"This is MD syntax"

Enter your answer

Syntax for the answer is : [[answer]] What did the fish say when he hit a concrete wall?



Teaching other language-basics is also possible, for this example we applied JSCPP to run simple C++ programs:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int a = 120;
    int rslt = 0;
    for(int i=1; i<a; ++i) {
        rslt += i;
        cout << "rslt: " << rslt << endl;
    cout << "final result = " << rslt << endl;
    return 0;
<script> var output = ""; JSCPP.`@input`, "", {stdio: {write: s => { output += s }}}); output; </script>

More Coding


Multiple different code snippets can be combined to form a larger projects too. It requires to write them in a row. You can give them names, if you add a second parameter after the highlighting definition. Add a + or - to the front of your filename, in order to indicate, if it should be visible by default or not.


As previously mentioned the @input macro gets substituted by the input of the editor, but you can pass also a number to indicate which macro should be substituted by which code block (@input(0) is equivalent to @input).

``` js     -EvalScript.js
let who = data.first_name + " " + data.last_name;

if( {
  who + " is online"; }
else {
  who + " is NOT online"; }
``` json    +Data.json
  "first_name" :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"  :  "Shark",
  "online"     :  true
  // insert the JSON dataset into the local variable data
  let data = @input(1);

  // eval the script that uses this dataset, but just
  // inserting the @input, which already contains JS code
  // would be also fine ... 

The result is a project which consists of two files. Each file can be edited separately, while the script tag provides only some basic glue-code that tells LiaScript what to do with the input.

let who = data.first_name + " " + data.last_name;

if( {
  who + " is online"; }
else {
  who + " is NOT online"; }
  "first_name" :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"  :  "Shark",
  "online"     :  true
<script> // insert the JSON dataset into the local variable data let data = @input(1); // eval the script that uses this dataset @input </script>


(3 * x - 5x)^3 * (x + x)







Text Analysis

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the
finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending
their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending
you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and
they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing
drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some,
I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re
getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes
common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.



Share your content

One of the advantages of LiaScript is that we can share content and even export the course into different formats so they can be used in different LMS. The subsections discuss the ways to share your content.

Using links

Courses can be witten in markdown and uploaded to any form of storage. The link of the markdown file can be shared and used at .

Using Lia Exporter

The LiaScript-Exporter can export educational content into different formats, so that LiaScript courses can also be utilized in different Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Readers for static content (PDF, ePub, ...). At the moment there is only support for SCORM1.2, as the most wide-spread exchange format.

To install LiaScript Exporter, run the following command:

npm install -g --verbose @liascript/exporter

LiaScript Exporter Basic Usage

$ liaex
No input defined

-h --help            show this help
-i --input           file to be used as input
-p --path            path to be packed, if not set, the path of the input file is used
-o --output          output file name (default is output), the ending is define by the format
-f --format          scorm1.2, scorm2004, json, fullJson, web, ims, pdf (default is json)
-v --version         output the current version

-k --key             responsive voice key 

SCORM settings:

--scorm-organization       set the organization title
--scorm-masteryScore       set the scorm masteryScore (a value between 0 -- 100), default is 0
--scorm-typicalDuration    set the scorm duration, default is PT0H5M0S
--scorm-iframe             use an iframe, when a SCORM starting parameter is not working

IMS settings:

--ims-indexeddb            Use IndexedDB to store data persistently

WEB settings:

--web-iframe               Use an iframed version to hide the course URL.
--web-indexeddb            This will allow to store data within the browser using indexeddb, you can optionally pass a unique key (by default one is generated randomly).
--web-zip                  By default the result is not zipped, you can change this with this parameter.

Android settings:

--android-sdk              Specify sdk.dir which is required for building.
--android-appName          Name of the App (Main-title is used as default).
--android-appId            Required to identify your App reverse url such as io.github.liascript
--android-icon             Optional icon with 1024x1024 px
--android-splash           Optional splash image with 2732x2732 px
--android-splashDuration   Duration for splash-screen default 0 milliseconds
--android-preview          Open course in Android-Studio

PDF settings:

--pdf-stylesheet           Inject an local CSS for changing the appearance.
--pdf-theme                LiaScript themes: default, turquoise, blue, red, yellow
--pdf-timeout              Set an additional time horizon to wait until finished.

--pdf-preview              Open preview-browser (default false), print not possible
--pdf-scale                Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. Scale amount must be between 0.1 and 2.
--pdf-displayHeaderFooter  Display header and footer. Defaults to false.
--pdf-headerTemplate       HTML template for the print header, inject classes date, title, url, pageNumber, totalPages
--pdf-footerTemplate       HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the headerTemplate
--pdf-printBackground      Print background graphics. Defaults to false
--pdf-landscape            Paper orientation. Defaults to false.
--pdf-pageRanges           Paper ranges to print, e.g., "1-5, 8, 11-13"
--pdf-format               Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Defaults to a4.
--pdf-width                Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-height               Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-top           Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-right         Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-bottom        Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.
--pdf-margin-left          Left margin, accepts values labeled with units. 
--pdf-preferCSSPageSize    Give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in width and height or format options.
--pdf-omitBackground       Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to true.

Project settings:

--project-no-meta          Disable the generation of meta information for OpenGraph and Twitter-cards.
--project-no-categories    Disable the filter for categories/tags.
--project-category-blur    Enable this and the categories will be blurred instead of deleted.
--project-generate-pdf     PDFs are automatically generated and added to every card.
--project-generate-cache   Only generate new files, if they do not exist.

RDF settings:

--rdf-format               Output format n-quads, json-ld (defaults to json-ld).
--rdf-preview              Output the result to the console.
--rdf-url                  Refer to an external URL when parsing a local project.
--rdf-type                 Course frm is applied as default, overwrite this with EducationalResource, etc.
--rdf-license              Add a license-URL, otherwise if url was provided as input, this will check for an existing LICENSE file.
--rdf-educationalLevel     Typically beginner, intermediate or advanced, and formal sets of level indicators.


If you want to generate a SCORM1.2 conformant package of you LiaScript-course, use the following command:

C:\Users\karan\OneDrive\Desktop>liaex -i internship/ --format scorm1.2 --output liaout
null C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e
[13:17:34] SCORM 'Init'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\imsmanifest.xml'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\metadata.xml'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'create C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro\ims_xml.xsd'
[13:17:34] SCORM 'Archiving C:\Users\karan\AppData\Local\Temp\lia2023222-15816-1lbuxyi.u425e\pro to'
[13:17:36] SCORM ' 6043787 total bytes' 

The format is scorm1.2 and the input folder is project/ All the content and sub-folders of this folder is then coppied into your The name is defined by your output definition and contains the current version number of you course as well as the current date.

Note: SCORM 1.2 is too restrictive for storing data, that is why we currently only support to store location information, all states of quizzes, surveys, etc. will be lost after reload.


The content can be exported in PDF format through the following command

C:\Users\karan\OneDrive\Desktop>liaex --format pdf -i internship/


To help anybody learning LiaScript






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