- This script allows you to Mass-Delete or Cryptographically Hash (irreversibly encrypt) your old Reddit posts or comments.
- It Hashes (irreversibly encrypts) your posts or comments using SHA-256 hashing algorithm before deletion to prevent Reddit from restoring your posts or comments after your account is deleted.
- You also have an option to only Hash your content and not Delete it. This can be useful in a case, where you want to render your content unreadable (For e.g. in protest of the Reddit API changes.).
- Additionally it also creates a local backup of your content in a mardown format file.
- It uses the PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper) library to access the Reddit API and delete posts and comments based on a particular sub-reddit you posted to, or on a given time threshold.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/karan51ngh/RedditRefresh.git
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps and create a new "script" type application. You can name it whatever you like and set the description and about url to anything you want. You can add http://localhost:8080/ as the redirect uri.
- Open
in a text editor and edit the following information:
CLIENT_ID = "<your_client_id>"
CLIENT_SECRET = "<your_client_secret>"
PASSWORD = "<your_account_password>"
USER_AGENT = "<your script's name (by u/your_username)>"
USERNAME = "<your_username>"
For Help with the above step refer this image.
- Run the script:
cd RedditRefresh
python main.py
- It creates a file called
that saves all your comments and posts before deletion.
- You have 2 modes in which the above script will operate.
- DELETE mode (this option will first HASH your content and then DELETE it)
- HASH mode (this option will only HASH your content)
- Currently you get 6 options on how to proceede with the Hashing/Deletion of your Posts/Comments:
- Delete/Hash all your Comments from a particular Subreddit.
- Delete/Hash all your Posts from a particular Subreddit.
- Delete/Hash all your Comments before a particular Date.
- Delete/Hash all your Posts before a particular Date.
- Delete/Hash all your Comments after a particular Date.
- Delete/Hash all your Posts after a particular Date.
This script is a fork of JosemyDuarte's reddit-cleaner.