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lakshmi kanth edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the DNSDapp wiki!

Decentralized Name registration and fund-transfer Application (DNS-Dapp)

What does this do?

  • Manage name registry on decentralized platform (ethereum)
  • Buy/Sell via Bidding process for tamper-proof and best price mechanism
  • Transfer funds (ether) via names (registered)
  • Release names for a better price via bidding

Use Cases:

  1. Checking the availability for a name
  2. Reserve a name if available, by sending a tx with amount of ether
  3. Release name by making it available (can be released only by their owners)
  4. Bid on names already taken (bids must be > original price)
  5. Owner of domain can change the ownership of the domain to the highest bidder
  6. Name can be used to send ether to its owner

Technology Stack:

  1. ethereum (ganache-cli)
  2. truffle
  3. nodeJS
  4. web3
  5. eslint


  • Bid DataModel:

    • DataModel to store Bid Details for a given DNSName
    • bidState in the model represents different states bid can stay in the workflow
    • amount is the bidPrice made by Bidder
    • owner is the address of the Bidder
contract DNSBid {

    using DNSStates for DNSStates.BidStates;
    DNSStates.BidStates public bidState;
    bool public active;
    uint public amount;
    address public owner ;
  • Bid States:

    • enum to hold the states that bid can go through in a Bid-Life cycle
enum BidStates {
  • Bid Registry:

  • A Container/Registry to hold all details/bids made for a given DNSName

  • Contains the storage for mappings:

    • dnsBidMap : map to store all bids and respective bidder-addresses
    • dnsBalanceMap : map to store the bidder-Address as key and bid-Price as Value
    • bestBidder : Address of the Bidder whose bid was highest (indicative price)
   //map to store all bids and respective bidder-address
   mapping(address => DNSBid) public dnsBidMap;

   // map Bidder to his/her value (address as key and ether as value)
   mapping (address => uint) public dnsBalanceMap;

   // winning bidder's address
   address  public bestBidder;

Solidity contract diagram:

Sequence Diagram


  1. Javascript Tests
  2. Solidity Tests (In-Progress)


  • checkout source code
  • navigate to source directory
  • run npm install
  • run truffle compile
  • run truffle migrate
  • run truffle test

Testnet Verification:

Rinkeby Testnet (Infura) - Inprogress

Improvements / TODO:

  1. UI on ReactJS
  2. End to End tests
  3. Use security mechanisms to avoid Re-entry and other DApp based attacks
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