- ssh username@hostname
- enter your password and you are logged in
- Go to your directory in local system where the file is present open terminal
- type:- scp filename username@hostname:~/
- for folder transfer :- scp -r foldername username@hostname:~/
- pip install --proxy http://username@hostname:port package_name --user
- eg. pip install --proxy http://mcs182012@ tensorflow-gpu --user
- Go to pypi.org. Search package you wish for.
- In download files section download the relevant tar or zip file.
- Do scp to transfer the file from local system to the server as mentioned above in scp section.
- unzip the zip file or untar the tar file using the command:-
unzip filename
tar -xzvf filename
cd foldername
python3 -m setup.py install --user
Here are the commands.
module load apps/anaconda/3
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda init
Then close the terminal and log in again.
module load apps/anaconda/3
conda create --prefix=/home/cse/mtech/mcs182012/myenv
module unload apps/anaconda/3
conda config --set env_prompt '({name}) '
conda activate /home/cse/mtech/mcs182012/myenv
Now you can install your packages using conda install pkgname
command and it won't conflict with the existing packages.