HarmonyOS (Chinese: 鸿蒙; pinyin: Hóngméng) is a distributed operating system developed by Huawei to run on multiple devices.
- FloatingActionButton-floating button
- circular-progress-button-A custom button with a progress bar, supporting multiple states that cannot be styled and jumped
- progressbutton-custom button with progress
- SwitchButton-imitating ios switch button
- SlideSwitch-Various styles of switch buttons
- iOS-SwitchView-imitating ios switch button
- Highlight-Directivity function highlight
- SwitchButton-Switch button
- slideview-Custom slide button
- ohos-process-button-Display various loading status of Button
- Fancybuttons-Can make buttons with icons and borders
- StateButton-button click effect
- AwesomeSwitch-AwesomeSwitch replaces the standard Switch and provides more custom functions than the standard switch component
- LikeButton-A little like button like twitter
- SubmitButton-Button with submit animation (tpc)
- FloatingGroupExpandableListView-Custom list component, support category with title
- XRecyclerView-A simple drop-down refresh based on ListContainer to load the control
- PullToZoomInListView-Enlarge List at the top
- WaveSideBar-a list component similar to an address book with letter selection
- SwipeActionAdapter-list sliding menu
- ToDoList-Support a variety of customized list controls
- SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter-Support a variety of customized list controls
- ARecyclerView-Custom listContainer control
- StickyHeadersib-Support list group header
- RoundedLetterView-Simple address book ui library
- AStickyHeader_ohos-Top effect when group title bar slides
- CalendarListview-Calendar selector
- SlideAndDragListView-Customize the ListContaner control, realize left and right sliding, drag up and down to change the position of the item
- pinned-section-listview-Support list grouping title
- HeaderAndFooterRecyclerView-Support addHeaderView, addFooterView to ListContainer
- MultiType-Create multiple types for simple ListContainer
- StickyListHeaders-Support list group header
- MaterialSpinner-Implement Material style drop-down list control
- PinnedSectionItemDecoration-Implement ListContainer sliding hoverable title bar
- RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss-Swipe to delete horizontally and vertically, set backgrounds in different states
- header-decor-Sticky head decorator for RecyclerView
- recycler-fast-scroll-Fast sliding and partition display of ListContainer
- MaterialList-MaterialList is a library to help developers show beautiful Card views
- DragListView-Realize multi-level sliding and automatic centering of ListContainer
- BGASwipeItemLayout-ohos-Left and right sliding controls with spring effect, which can be used as items of ListContainer
- ohos-GridViewWithHeaderAndFooter-Support to add header layout and tail layout to ListContainer of grid layout
- Slice-Custom control similar to CardView effect
- AsymmetricGridView-Support grid components across columns
- ExpansionPanel-A control similar to ListView in effect, supporting independent stretching and editing operations for sub-controls
- greedo-layout-for-ohos-Display the image stream according to the image ratio, and display the image stream at a fixed height
- drag-select-recyclerview-Simple multi-select list function library
- SnappingSwipingRecyclerView-ListContainer is similar to the implementation of viewpager, long press to delete
- turn-layout-manager-Support four directions switch, set radius, offset, text direction and other functions
- OpenHarmonyTreeView-tree list
- TreeView-tree view
- RecycleView-This is a feature-rich and flexible data list operation component
- DoubleStickyHeadersList-An OpenHarmony library used to paste the double-layer section header at the top of the list. OpenHarmony widget, especially for displaying items with multi-level classification
- ohos-parallax-recyclerview-Slide and click on an item, click the button to switch adpater, and change the library of item content
- Ohos-InfiniteCards-Superimposed card list
- ohosSwipeLayout-Swipe to delete
- ViewPagerIndicator-Slider component with the highest star
- PageIndicatorView-Custom adapter component
- UltraViewPager-Slider custom controls in various styles
- SlidingDrawer-Custom Slider component
- AppIntro-Build a cool carousel introduction for the app
- ParallaxViewPager-Custom Slider component
- MZBannerView-A simple picture carousel control
- FlycoPageIndicator-Various styles of page indicators
- SCViewPager-PageSlider custom control with transition animation
- imagecoverflow-3D perspective adapter
- ohos-ConvenientBanner-custom banner component
- Banner-Banner picture carousel control
- Material-ViewPagerIndicator-Page indicator, realize translation, show and hide combined animation effects
- Banner_ohos-Advertising picture carousel control
- BGABanner-ohos-Advertising carousel, circular carousel
- ViewPagerHelper-Can help you quickly realize the navigation bar carousel diagram, app guide page, built-in multiple tab indicators, let you bid farewell to the tedious operation of PageSlider, focus on logic Function
- VerticalViewPager-ViewPager vertical page sliding
- ViewPagerTransforms-Provide an easier to use and extend PageSlide animation implementation
- BannerViewPager-ViewPager carousel
- ohos-Coverflow-Carousel chart custom component
- RollViewPager-custom component of carousel
- InkPageIndicator-ViewPager indicator control
- AdvancedPagerSlidingTabStrip-AdvancedPagerSlidingTabStrip is a navigation control for the HarmonyOS platform, which is perfectly compatible with HarmonyOS's own library and compatible libraries PageSlider component
- WoWoViewPager-Combine ViewPager and animation
- HorizontalPicker-a simple horizontal menu selector control
- SmartTabLayout-Custom TabLayout component
- StatefulLayout-The layout can be switched left and right. It is similar to PageSlider, displaying the most common layout status templates, such as loading, empty, wrong layout, etc.
- NavigationTabStrip-Viewpager navigation indicator, provides multiple styles, supports customization
- FlycoTabLayout-Custom TabLayout component, supports three modes and multiple status settings.
- ViewPagerIndicator-ViewPager indicator
- Banner-Slider-A simple picture sliding library
- MaterialProgressBar-Multiple styles of custom progressbar
- MaterialRatingBar-Material style rating
- discreteSeekBar-A custom seekbar control based on populdialog control to realize animation bubble display progress
- materialish-progress-A simple circular progress bar that supports two modes of progress settings with and without values
- ohos-HoloCircularProgressBar-custom progressBar
- circular-music-progressbar-a circular progressbar similar to a music player
- SectorProgressView-Custom circular progressBar
- LikeSinaSportProgress-Like the progress bar of the Sina Sports client
- ArcSeekBar-seekbar with arc
- MaterialishProgress-Materia style Progress control
- RoundCornerProgressBar-Progress bar effect setting library
- BoxedVerticalSeekBar-Custom vertical seekbar
- ProgressWheel_ohos-Open source progress wheel
- MagicProgressWidget-Color gradient circular progress bar and solid light horizontal progress bar
- NumberProgressBar-A digital progress bar that can display numbers, set the color of the progress bar, text size and other attributes.
- ArcProgressStackView-Display progress bar in arc mode
- ProgressPieView-custom progress pie
- CoreProgress-Upload and load progress framework
- CircularProgressView-Material circular progress bar
- ButtonProgressBar-Custom button progress bar
- ProgressView-Customize ProgressView
- CircleProgress-custom circular progress bar
- CProgressButton-custom progress bar button
- WhorlView-Progress bar with thread style
- ACProgressLite-openharmony loads the control library, which is concise, easy to use, and highly customizable. It is used to quickly implement pop-up boxes like "loading" in iOS.
- IndicatorSeekBar-Custom sliding progress bar library
- Zloading-A custom and cool loading animation library
- AndRatingBar-inherited from native Rating, with native sliding selection and other features, and can customize the size, spacing, color, icon, support from right to left
- BubbleSeekBar-Customized SeekBar, progress changes are presented by a visual bubble style, with a high degree of customization, suitable for most needs
- SeekBarCompat-SeekBarCompat is a Slider package library
- FABProgressCircle-Circular progress bar
- TheGlowingLoader-TheGlowingLoader component is an easy-to-customize custom animation loading view
- square-progressbar-Progress bar on the edge of the picture
- AdhesiveLoadingView-Sticky sliding ball, falling and rebounding to form a loading effect
- CircleProgressBar-Circular progress bar
- sweet-alert-dialog-A beautiful and smart reminder dialog box that supports successful, error, warning and other status mode prompts
- LovelyDialog-Custom style Dialog, a set of simple dialog box packaging libraries, designed to help you easily create beautiful dialog boxes
- CookieBar-The custom dialog box that pops up at the top and bottom
- Alerter-Top prompt pop-up window with animation effect
- StatusView-the status view that pops up at the top
- ohos-styled-dialogs-Custom stylized Dialog
- NiceDialog-NiceDialog is based on the extension of CommonDialog, which makes the use of dialog more convenient
- BlurDialogFragment-Blur effect dialog
- SnackBar_ohos-Open source SnackBar message box
- michaelbel_BottomSheet-material design bullet frame
- search-dialog-Search Dialog
- material-dialogs-Material style Dialog
- BottomDialog-Bottom pop-up window layout realized by CommonDialog, supports arbitrary layout
- XPopup-Universal pop-up window with powerful functions, elegant interaction and silky animation
- DialogUtil-dialog pop-up tool with various functional styles
- Hover-A custom floating ball library
- StyledDialogs-Different styles of Dialogs
- EasyFloat-floating window
- PowerMenu-The most powerful and easiest way to implement material pop-up menu. PowerMenu can be fully customized and used to pop up dialogs
- bottomNavigationF-This component provides a solution similar to flutter-like scaffold widgets to solve bottom navigation with a life cycle
- vlayout-List layout can be nested
- flexbox-layout-Layout controlled by percentage
- ohosAutoLayout-Screen adaptation frame that can be scaled according to the design size
- yoga-facebook layout engine based on flexbox
- TextLayoutBuilder-a textlayout component of facebook that supports text creation, text font, size, color settings, etc.
- FlowLayout-Flow layout implementation
- ShadowLayout-Custom layout with shadow effect
- ExpandableLayout-Collapsible and expandable layout
- LayoutManagerGroup-Responsible for measuring and placing the project view in RecyclerView
- Flipboard/bottomsheet-Display an ignorable View from the bottom of the screen
- ohos-flowlayout-Flow layout
- ExpandableLayout-Animated expandable sub-view layout
- CarouselLayoutManager-Support click to quickly locate, quickly slide, click to display the subscript of the current item
- shadow-layout-You can set the shadow effect of pictures and buttons
- loadinglayout-Simple and practical page multi-state layout (content, loading, empty, error)
- material-about-library-The material-about-library library contains multiple styles of option bars, mostly used on the "About" page
- MultiViewAdapter-All layouts are implemented with one adapter
- DiagonalLayout-Use diagonal layout to realize new design style
- ohos-card-form-The form is a ready-made card form layout
- ohos-titlebar-Abandoned in the development process, because there are too many pages, a lot of repeated title bar layouts need to be built. This project summarizes several common usage scenarios, encapsulates the title bar as a control, and implements it in Java code, which provides support for the current mainstream immersion
- HtmlNative-Use HTML/CSS to render ohos View, use Lua to control its logic (not Webview)
- SwipeBackLayout-Swipe back to the previous page
- ToggleButtonGroup-A set of simple single-select and multiple-select button tools
- FlexLayout-Percentage layout
- KugouLayout-Page sliding control
- ScalableLayout-Scalable layout
- RearrangeableLayout-Drag any child controls
- ZoomLayout-sliding effect
- FoldableLayout-3D flip
- ohos-drag-FlowLayout-Drag and drop layout