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Docker container for a Cronicle single-server master node


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This branch is 1 commit ahead of nicholasamorim/docker-cronicle:master.

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Docker container for a Cronicle single-server master node

This repo is based on the work from nicholasamorim

Some useful features were included in order to facile automation and integration into a CI/CD platform.

  • automatic creation of account, plugins and apiKeys during initial setup
  • default plugin for a mongo db backup with S3 upload
  • automatic creation of events during initial setup
  • aws-ci installed by default

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Latest version of Cronicle server based upon nodejs Docker image.



docker pull stepos01/docker-cronicle:latest


docker run --name cronicle --hostname localhost -p 3012:3012 stepos01/docker-cronicle:latest

Alternatively with persistent data and logs:

docker run --name cronicle \
  -v /path-to-cronicle-storage/data:/opt/cronicle/data:rw \
  -v /path-to-cronicle-storage/logs:/opt/cronicle/logs:rw \
  --hostname localhost -p 3012:3012 stepos01/docker-cronicle:latest

The web UI will be available at: http://localhost:3012

NOTE: please replace the hostname localhost, this is only for testing purposes! If you rename the hostname also consider setting the environmental variable CRONICLE_base_app_url. e.g docker run --name cronicle --hostname cronicle-host -p 3012:3012 -e CRONICLE_base_app_url='http://cronicle-host:3012' stepos01/cronicle:latest


Cronicle process runs under the cronicle user with ID 1001 and GUID 1001`. If you are using Docker bind mounts set permissions accordingly.

Path Description
/opt/cronicle/data Volume for data
/opt/cronicle/logs Volume for logs
/opt/cronicle/plugins Volume for plugins


Environmental variables

Cronicle supports a special environment variable syntax, which can specify command-line options as well as override any configuration settings. The variable name syntax is CRONICLE_key where key is one of several command-line options (see table below) or a JSON configuration property path.

For overriding configuration properties by environment variable, you can specify any top-level JSON key from config.json, or a path to a nested property using double-underscore (__) as a path separator. For boolean properties, you can specify 1 for true and 0 for false. Here is an example of some of the possibilities available:

Environmental variable Description Default value
CRONICLE_base_app_url A fully-qualified URL to Cronicle on your server, including the port if non-standard. This is used for self-referencing URLs. http://localhost:3012
CRONICLE_WebServer__http_port The HTTP port for the web UI of your Cronicle server. (Keep default value, unless you know what you are doing) 3012
CRONICLE_WebServer__https_port The SSL port for the web UI of your Cronicle server. (Keep default value, unless you know what you are doing) 443
CRONICLE_web_socket_use_hostnames Setting this parameter to 1 will force Cronicle's Web UI to connect to the back-end servers using their hostnames rather than IP addresses. This includes both AJAX API calls and Websocket streams. 1
CRONICLE_server_comm_use_hostnames Setting this parameter to 1 will force the Cronicle servers to connect to each other using hostnames rather than LAN IP addresses. 1
CRONICLE_web_direct_connect When this property is set to 0, the Cronicle Web UI will connect to whatever hostname/port is on the URL. It is expected that this hostname/port will always resolve to your master server. This is useful for single server setups, situations when your users do not have direct access to your Cronicle servers via their IPs or hostnames, or if you are running behind some kind of reverse proxy. If you set this parameter to 1, then the Cronicle web application will connect directly to your individual Cronicle servers. This is more for multi-server configurations, especially when running behind a load balancer with multiple backup servers. The Web UI must always connect to the master server, so if you have multiple backup servers, it needs a direct connection. 0
CRONICLE_socket_io_transports This allows you to customize the transports used to connect to the server for real-time updates. If you are trying to run Cronicle in an environment where WebSockets are not allowed (perhaps an ancient firewall or proxy), you can change this array to contain the polling transport first. Otherwise set it to ["websocket"] ["polling", "websocket"]

Custom configuration file

A custom configuration file can be provide in the following location:


The file will get loaded the very first time Cronicle is started. If afterwards a forced reload of the custom configuration is needed remove the following file and restart the Docker container:


A sample config can be found here

Custom setup file

As mentioned earlier, one of the additional feature is related to automating the creation of users, groups, apiKeys... We simply need to modify the setup.json provided in this repository

The file will get loaded the very first time Cronicle is started. If afterwards a forced reload of the custom configuration is needed remove the following file and restart the Docker container:


A more exhaustive explanation about the possibilities can be found in the following thread: Thread on automating cronicle by the author


In the setup.json file, we can see the creation of an user with username stephane and password admin. This is achieved by updating the following JSON with

[ "put", "users/stephane", {
"username": "stephane",
"password": "$2a$10$VAF.FNvz1JqhCAB5rCh9GOa965eYWH3fcgWIuQFAmsZnnVS/.ye1y",
"full_name": "Administrator",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"modified": 1434125333,
"created": 1434125333,
"salt": "salty",
"privileges": {
"admin": 1

Details about values to be used can be found here Thread on automating cronicle by the author


In the setup.json file, we can see the creation of a plugin called mongobackup.

[ "listPush", "global/plugins", {
"id": "mongobackup",
"title": "Mongo Backup",
"enabled": 1,
"command": "bin/shell-plugin.js",
"username": "admin",
"modified": 1434125333,
"created": 1434125333,
"params": [
{ "id":"script", "type":"textarea", "rows":10, "title":"Script Source", "value": "#!/bin/sh\n\n /opt/cronicle/plugins/" },
{ "id":"annotate", "type":"checkbox", "title":"Add Date/Time Stamps to Log", "value": 0 },
{ "id":"json", "type":"checkbox", "title":"Interpret JSON in Output", "value": 0 },
{ "id":"uri", "type":"textarea", "title":"mongo uri", "value": "" },
{ "id":"name", "type":"textarea", "title":"name of the backup", "value": "dump", "rows": 1 },
{ "id":"s3_destination", "type":"textarea", "title":"destination on S3 (e.g. bucketName/path1/path2/path3)", "value": "", "rows": 1 },
{ "id":"aws_access_key_id", "type":"hidden", "title":"aws_access_key_id", "value": "AKIAWEEJNJXHB3KT6PVI", "size": 40 },
{ "id":"aws_secret_access_key", "type":"hidden", "title":"aws_secret_access_key", "value": "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", "size": 40 },
{ "id":"aws_default_region", "type":"hidden", "title":"aws_default_region", "value": "eu-west-1", "size": 10 }
We just need to define the parameters as well as the command line script which should be run. We can also define a piece of code to be run instead. A great definition of plugin can be found here All the created plugins can be found in the plugins folder.

Our events created from the mongo backup plugin expects a few parameters

Parameter name Description
name the name of the backup
uri the mongo url of the database ( tested with srv format). The utility used for backup is mongorestore.
aws_access_key_id* AWS secret key
aws_secret_access_key* AWS secret key
aws_default_region* AWS default region
s3_destination the destination on S3(Could be any bucket or path. e.g: mybucket/cronicle/mybackups

*: those parameters are set as hidden. So they are added attached to the plugin directly and are assigned a value, and they cannot be seen nor modified afterwards without rebuilding and redeploying the container. This is done to avoid exposing private keys on the Cronicle user interface.]


In the setup.json file, we can see the creation of a category called mongo. This is achieved by updating the following JSON with


Lines 114 to 123 in e7982bb

[ "listPush", "global/categories", {
"id": "mongo",
"title": "Mongo Backups",
"enabled": 1,
"username": "admin",
"modified": 1434125333,
"created": 1434125333,
"description": "Mongo Backup events",
"max_children": 0
} ],


In the setup.json file, we can see the creation of an API Key.


Lines 144 to 162 in e7982bb

[ "listPush", "global/api_keys", {
"active": "1",
"title": "admin Api Key",
"description": "This API key is used to setup events after the setup phase",
"id": "adminKey",
"key": "GF4Ktj3ROl9MUeeeM5N2Or1ketKyX2QV",
"username": "admin",
"modified": 1434125333,
"created": 1434125333,
"privileges": {
"admin": 0,
"create_events": 1,
"edit_events": 1,
"delete_events": 1,
"run_events": 1,
"abort_events": 1,
"state_update": 1
} ]
This API key is used to create events automatically through API. If we decide to change the value of the adminKey, we should update it as well in the plugins/
# Creating jobs
sleep 90s
echo "Creating job $f"


Much more can be achieved by modifying the setup.json file. A good starting point can be found there:

Event creation

Event can be created automatically during the initial setup. You just need to create the proper JSON file and add it into the jobs folder. This project contains two sample jobs.

  • one for running a mongo backup, once a day at 4 AM
  • one for running a POST http call every 5 minute to a dummy endpoint

A hack for quickly prototyping event, is to create them from the UI, then observe the traffic and capture the payload of the request made by the browser ruding the creation of the event. Once you have the payload, you can modify it and add it to the jobs folder.

The creation of jobs is done through API using a plugin. The script in charge of creating the jobs can be found here. The script is launched 90s after starting the server. We will notice the presence of the ApiKey which was created earlier in the setup.json

Web UI credentials

The default credentials for the web interface are: admin / admin



Docker container for a Cronicle single-server master node








No packages published


  • Shell 64.2%
  • Dockerfile 35.8%