This is illustration of how kinect can be calibrated using coppeliasim and ros2.
- CoppeliaSim
- Ros Humble
- Ubuntu 22.04 / Linux Mint 21.2
- Clone this repository or download the scene file.
- Open CoppeliaSim and load the kinect_calibrate.ttt scene.
- Follow the camera calibration tutorial to install camera calibration package for ros2.
- In CoppeliaSim start the loaded scene and open terminal to run script for camera calibration.
ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --no-service-check --size 7x9 --square 0.02 --ros-args -r image:=/kinect_rgb -p camera:=/kinect/camera_info
- After enough data is available for calibration the CALIBRATE button will light up. Click it to see the results.
- After the calibration is completed the save and commit buttons light up. And you can also see the result in terminal.