Kajam 11.4.0 is released
kaltura-base changelog:
- Added support for custom parameters on akamai hds urls.
Needed in order to add hdcore=x.x.x when playing without the player Akamai HD plugin. - SUP-6332 - Live entry has not been fully uploaded / transcoded
- SUP-6763 - Cross Kaltura connector does not export thumbnails
- PLAT-4712 - reduce duplicates in entryRequired
- PLAT-4445 - Failed to change privacy to category by user from group with permission manager
- PLAT-4663 - Support for HTTP Authentication in MRSS Feed ingestion
- PLAT-4788 - TMZ SFTP YouTube connector issues
Install scripts changelog:
- Sanity check: verify that studio_version in {base,local}.ini matches the latest studio version on disk.
- If we're running on PHP >= 5.4, install Zend Opcache.
kaltura-html5lib changelog:
- TR-552 - CaaS widgets with playlist - On iOS thumbnail is out of alignment
- FEC-4565 - Send Notification in native bridge crashes
- FEC-4528 - drm playback : replay doesn't work , player stuck on spinning wheel
- FEC-4562 - Channel Playlist - chapters thumbnail doesn't change
- Fix mobile inlineScript loading
- id3 tags support for Live HLS (native and flash)
- id3 tags support improved: time update interval has been reduced to 1 second
- New OSMF-HLS plugin 2.37 + id3 tags code
- FEC-4344 - webcast live event -cant move to old slide que point
- FEC-4433 - Add getLicenseData service in mwEmbed
- FEC-4035 - Support DASH stream with dash everywhere castlabs player
- PS-2381 - Doubleclick skipping two cue point midrolls ad, playing the Ad shows no video only audio
- FEC-4434 - Force playback engine flags don't enforce playable sources selection
- FEC-4427 - comScore Plugin Bugs
- FEC-3720 - Regression:External stream:plugin crushes and the stream is no longer playable
- FEC-3610 - VOD HLS: Player stuck on replay during throttling
- New OSMF-HLS plugin - massive buffers refactor
- FEC-4418 - Support flavorParamsId configuration option against download plugin
- FEC-4446 - silverlight player does not resolve playmanifest 302 redirect header http
- FEC-3832 - heartbeat: add config of heartbeat plugin to studio
- FEC-4431 - clipTo param is trimmed from manifest request when using Flash HDS
- SUP-6647 - alert-container text overflows
- SUP-6602 - no audio playback on Android
- SUP-6584 - Hovering controls subtitles issue
- SUP-6603 - Akamai Analytics: player uses default beacon URL instead of the one defined
- FEC-4389 - Enable player message to be overridden
- SUP-6535 - Change in Google Analytics plugin
- FEC-4462 - HLS OSMF - Seek in Kaltura DVR take more time than in previous player version
- FEC-4459 - HLS OSMF - take around 10-12 seconds to switch from DVR to Kaltura Live
- FEC-4458 - HLS OSMF - Kaltura Live with DVR loaded with 40-50 seconds of delay
- Fix IE8 variable-function name collision
- Fix PHP version syntax issues
- Add PiP plugin to support pip in iOS9
- FEC-4468 - Player layout is wrong in narrow bandwidth
- WB-2151 - Wrong spacing between buttons - OTT skin
- SUP-6143 - Player v2.35 - Icons Display
- FEC-4429 - (ClosedCaptions + playlist + hover-controls + IE8) != love
- FEC-4364 - Hard coded http fonts on some CSS files
- FEC-4125 - server side playback rate- rate selection doesn't work after changing media
- FEC-4472 - Regression : SDK - 2.0.5 Doesn't play any video with player version v2.38.rc9
- FEC-4481 - Regression: the players with autoEmbed type failed to be loaded
- FEC-4314 - if the number of items in the playlist is lower than MinClips, calculate mediaItemWidth according to it, else according to MinClips settings
- FEC-4068 - Display error on unsupported DRM use-cases
- FEC-3832 - trackEventMonitor function added to the studio config
- Fix PS modules not loading
- Fix DASH silverlight cross domain loading
- FEC-2648 - Rate Selector - Rate selector doesn't work in Chrome
- FEC-4503 - Player: While hovering over seek bar, the arrow pointer above it doesn't point to where user points
- FEC-4431 - clipTo param is trimmed from manifest request when using Flash HDS
- FEC-4500 - Channel Playlist - Playlist is not disabled during pre-roll Ad
- FEC-4484 - Improve Native Callout
- FEC-4521 - webcast with no DVR - after stop start of the video the player is freeze.
- FEC-4519 - Kaltura Live isn't starting to play after stop and re-run the stream
- FEC-4068 - DRM playback error handling
- FEC-4524 - Webcast NO DVR- player freeze for 10 sec when open
- Enable using MultiDRM with nativeCallout
- FEC-4533 - Hovering controls: After return from full screen mode, the "pause" button displayed forever on mobile devices
- FEC-4528 - drm playback : replay doesn't work , player stuck on spinning wheel
- Disable inlineScript in mobile devices
- FEC-4068 - Disable DASH on mobile Chrome, use on SDK
- FEC-4548 - start monitor on native onplay event instead of when clicking our play button
- FEC-4557 - Regression: Seek doesn't works for audio entry
- FEC-4554 #comment Reset chapters state on media change
- Fix DFP crash on empty player init
- updated comScoreStreamingTag plugin
- FEC-4554 - Channel Playlist - entry with chapters and slides not playable in channel playlist
- FEC-4561 - Channel playlist: impossible to change slides for audio LC if it part of playlist with Live stream
- KalturaHLS2 plugin removed