The building process has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.
GLOVE building can be configured according to the options listed in the following table:
./ [-options]
Option | Default | Description |
-a | --arm-compile | OFF | Enable cross building for ARM platform |
-d | --debug | OFF | Enable building Debug mode |
-e | --werror | OFF | Turn all compilation warnings into errors |
-f | --use-surface | XCB | Sets the windowing system (Options: XCB, ANDROID, NATIVE) |
-i | --install-prefix (dir) | System Installation Prefix (/usr/local) | Set custom installation prefix path |
-s | --sysroot (dir) | - | Set sysroot for cross compilation |
-t | --trace-build | OFF | Enable logs |
-u | --vulkan-include-path (dir) | System Include Path | Set custom Vulkan include path |
-v | --vulkan-loader (lib) | System Vulkan Loader | Set custom Vulkan loader library |
To build the Project:
To install all necessary files to system directories (superuser privilege might be required):
make install
To uninstall the libraries from the system directories (superuser privilege might be required):
make uninstall
The building process has been tested on Android 7 and 8.
Building GLOVE for Android requires Java 8. An environmental variable must be set
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
Download Android Studio on Ubuntu at
Downgrade Android-SDK to version 25:
cd <android-sdk-dir>/
mv tools tools_back
Required packages for Android building:
sudo apt-get install android-platform-build-headers xcb-proto android-platform-frameworks-native-headers android-platform-system-core-headers android-libcutils-dev ant
GLOVE building can be configured according to the options listed in the following table:
./ [-options]
Option | Default | Description |
-d | --debug | OFF | Enable building Debug mode |
-t | --trace-build | OFF | Enable logs |
The above process builds GLOVE for Android and generates an apk to be later installed on the Android device. See the installation process here.