- To create a simple dynamic website which has the following specs.
- Start with creating a dummy data in database for upto 10 customers. Database options: Mysql, Mongo, Postgres, etc. Customers table will have basic fields such as name, email, current balance etc. Transfers table will record all transfers happened.
- Flow: Home Page > View all Customers > Select and View one Customer > Transfer Money > Select customer to transfer to > View all Customers
- No Login Page. No User Creation. Only transfer of money between multiple users.
- Host the website at 000webhost, github.io, heroku app or any other free hosting provider. Check in code in github.
- View customer list in 'Customer'.
- To view separate profiles click on their names.
- Make Money Transfer between customers by clicking on 'Transfer Money'.
- View Transaction History in 'Transaction'.
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript