Finding cross-linked peptides with maximum paired scores in linear time
Please ensure that the following packages exist.
- Python 2.7
- pandas
To run Xolik, use the following commands.
./Xolik -d db-filename.fasta -s msdata-filename.mzXML -o output-filename.csv --ms1tol 5 --ms2tol 0.02
python output-filename.csv
Use ./Xolik --help
for all available options.
The "Score" field in the result files equals to -log10(e-value) by default,
and equals to XCorr if --noevalue
is set.
- GoogleTest (optional)
J. Dai*, W. Jiang*, F. Yu* and W. Yu, "Xolik: finding cross-linked peptides with maximum paired scores in linear time", in preparation. *Contributed equally to this work.
BSD License