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A calibration library for synchronising bldc motor voltage models with digital absolute position rotary encoders.


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A calibration library for synchronising bldc motor voltage models with digital absolute position rotary encoders. Note for now this library is only configured for using the AS5147P encoder with this breakout circuit

Galvanically isolated ADC/Encoder circuit


Connecting AS5147P breakout circuit to the calibration circuit

Connection is made by simply connecting a 8 pin header ribbon cable between the encoder and the calibration circuit. See below:

calibration connections

KAEPEK-SBDLC-SMT-V2.4.0 circuit


Connecting KAEPEK-SBDLC-SMT-V2.4.0 circuit to the calibration circuit

Connection is made by simply connecting the 13 pin header from the KAEPEK-SBDLC-SMT-V2.4.0 pcb to the KAEPEK-Calibration circuit pcb with the surface mount components point upwards.

Collecting ADC Encoder data for calibration instructions

Prerequisites to collection procedure

Need two computers to collect clean data from this setup. The computer must remain isolated from each other not sharing a ground connection (both cannot have ethernet connecting to the same device, stick to WiFi).

  • Install node.js (v18.12.1) and npm (8.19.2) have been checked to work.
  • Run npm install in the projects root directory.
  • Install kaepek-io as per the README instructions.

Collection procedure

  1. Modify zero_crossing_adc.ino and set the PWM_FREQUENCY to full calibration logging speed e.g. 90kHz.
  2. Make sure zero_crossing_adc.ino has been loaded onto the Teensy 4.0 #1.
  3. Make sure AS5147P_teensy40.ino has been loaded onto the Teensy 4.0 #2.
  4. Find network address of computer #1 and computer #2 by running ifconfig or similar. e.g. ''.
  5. Plug Teensy 4.0 #2 (Encoder) into computer #2.
  6. Plug Teensy 4.0 #1 (ADC) into computer #1
  7. Unplug and replug Teensy 4.0 #1 into computer #1 (forcing a reset).
  8. Start the network sync program on computer #1 and provide a name for this data collection run e.g. 'aug_18_test_1'. npm run network-serial:collect-sync --run_id=aug_18_test_1.
  9. SSH to computer #2.
  10. Start the network source program on computer #2. npm run network-serial:collect-source --device_id=1 --sync_host= --seconds_to_collect=2 .
  11. Use a power drill to spin the motor at a constant high angular velocity.
  12. Start the network source program on computer #1. npm run network-serial:collect-source --device_id=0 --sync_host= --seconds_to_collect=2 .
  13. After you are happy enough data has been collected stop collection by unplugging Teensy 4.0 #1.
  14. Ensure network-serial:collect-source is stopped for both computers. By typing Ctrl-c into the relevant terminal sessions.
  15. At this point the network-serial:collect-sync will merge the dataset and create an output file ./calibration-data/[run_id].jsonl on computer #1. If this does not work try manually merging the files, see the next section below, otherwise move on to data analysis section.

Data analysis

Depending on what type of motor controller you are implementing there are different analysis commands you need to run. The calibration library provides for 3 main types of motor controller:

  • 6 step, 3 phase H-Bridge, PWM motor controllers (Trapezoidal Commutation [TC])
  • 3 phase H-Bridge, sinusoidal fit (Sinudoidal model fit fom BEMF measurements) PWM motor controllers (Sinusoidal PWM [SPWM])
  • 3 phase H-Bridge, direct fit (fit direcly from BEMF measurements) PWM motor controllers (Direct PWM [DPWM])

In either case the raw capture data needs to be combined from the ADC and Encoder microcontroller collected data (for each run) and the result processed to smooth out errors via the combination and smoothing procedure

Prerequisites to performing any Data analysis

  • Create a virtual environment: npm run install:venv
  • Source the virtual environment (must be active before running analysis or for each new terminal session): source env/bin/activate
  • Install the virtual environment dependancies: npm run install:venv-deps

Combination and smoothing procedure

  1. Requires that data has been collected following the data collection procedure
  2. One can run the combination and smoothing process with existing settings (determined by trial and error) using the following command (make sure to check the kalman_smoothed_merged_capture_data.html and the zero_crossing_detections.channels.inliers.html file! This step is not easily automatable):
  • npm run combine-and-smooth:rotation-voltage-data -run_id=[run_id]

Examples of good captures:

Examples of bad captures:

Fitting procedures:

Then depending on which motor controller you are implementing (TC, SPWM, DPWM) you need to follow the relevant section:

TC procedure

The TC procdure will map angular segments of the motor to their commutation state. Such that microcontrollers can simply lookup the commutation state based on the angle that the encoder currently sits and therefore apply the correct commutation state as the motor proceeds around the circle. A map is generated for each direction.

The TC procedure require Apache Spark installation v3.5.0 and Spark must be running locally by running the relevant start script e.g. ./spark-3.5.0-bin-hadoop3/sbin/ Configure the package.json spark master url etc.

  1. Run the combination and smoothing procedure
  2. Perform the TC analysis: npm run perform-tc-analysis --run_id=[run_id] --number_of_poles=[number of poles]

Then after inspecting the analysis for each run and determining a set of run_ids which represent good captures (no artifacts) one can then combine the multiple runs together and obtain the analysis reports and resulting fits for the TC procedure:

  1. npm run combine-datasets:zero-crossing-inliers --run_ids=16sept_ccw,16sept_4_cw

A html file e.g. combination-report-lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop.html, an id file e.g. and a 6 step fit c++ file commutation_state_lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop.cpp will be created in the calibration-data folder, lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop represents the identifier for the combined set of analysed run results. Make sure to check for artifacts from the combined report and remove any run_ids where there is bad data.

SPWM procedure

The SPWM procedure will take the results from the TC/Smoothing procedure and do its best to fit 3 sinusoids to the data (for each phase), for each direction an angular displacement (degrees away from the 0th encoder step) and an angular phase displacement (the phase seperation between the 3 phases) which leads to the least squares error. Thus the motor constants can be used to create a lookup table within the motor controller so that for each direction the controller can apply an appropriate duty for each phase give an input which is the encoder step at any given time.

  1. Peform the same instructions as the TC procedure section
  2. Fit a sinusoid model to the data using either of the following commands:
    • Fit a sine wave to the zero crossing data obtained from the TC procedure: npm run fit-sine:zc --combination_identifier=lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop --number_of_poles=22
    • Fit a sine wave to the raw zero crossing data obtained from the TC procedure: npm run fit-sine:raw --combination_identifier=lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop --number_of_poles=22

Note the fit-sine:zc benefits from significant outlier reduction and so in most cases represents the superior method to obtaining the motor constant fits. Depending on the sinusoidal fit method run one can either obtains the motor constants from the following files in the calibration folder, zc_reconstruction_lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop.png which is the output of running the fit-sine:zc program or raw_reconstruction_ynitlldoqesyyvgyuwyg.png which is the ouput of running the fit-sine:raw program.

DPWM procedure

To deal with the inadequacies of the SPWM fitting method arising from the fact that no motors are in fact manufactured perfectly (discrepancies in motor pole strength and inperfect pole spacing) the direct bemf fit method is implemented here. This precedure takes the raw combination data (bemf voltage and angle data) for each run and then superimposes the data (grouped by the encoder angle) and then averages the for each angle the voltage, it applies a normalisation per channel such that one can obtain a single lookup table per direction per phase which informs the motor controller what duty to apply given an input encoder step at any given time. The normalised data can then be loaded into a relevant microcontroller and used the model used to drive the motor forward in a given direction.

This procedure offer the most efficient motor controller model fit of any of the methods proposed here, as the motor phase voltages are played back from direct recordings of the bemf and thus track them quite accurately.

  1. Run the combination and smoothing procedure
  2. Run a direct fit:
    • If you have already run a TC procedure prior to this analysis you may run the following example command: npm run fit-direct:raw --combination_identifier=lqwkwldkjpvgmrbeqcop
    • Otherwise you can directly obtain a fit using the following example command: npm run fit-direct-solo:raw --run_ids=16sept_ccw,16sept_4_cw && npm run graph-direct-solo:raw, you will obtain an output html, png and c++ file e.g. combination-direct-fit-ewgtelyqvgfuvropsmif.csv.html, raw_reconstruction_direct_comp2_ewgtelyqvgfuvropsmif.png, combination-direct-fit-ewgtelyqvgfuvropsmif.cpp


  • Permission denied when trying to run network-serial:collect-source
    • Change permissions for Teensy device sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
  • One voltage channel 's(A,B,C) peak (in inspect) is larger than the other one.
    • Check circuit connections


Requires running npm run generate:docs

3rd party useful component information:

H11L1 Opto-isolator

AS5147P Encoder

How to prepare the Teensy40 platform:

General dependancies:


A calibration library for synchronising bldc motor voltage models with digital absolute position rotary encoders.







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