Command line utility for search in AWS CloudWatch Logs with Insights queries and flexible time ranges.
- Install latest via pip:
- You need Python 3.8 (you can try lower version - not tested)
- Ensure you have you Python's Bin directory in $PATH
- Execute "qaws" in your command line.
- Wildcard should guarantee case insesitive name for group.
- Default walue for -t set to 1 day.
- Default value for -q set to "fields @timestamp, @message | limit 9999"
- Add switch to display group names in output.
- Default value for -g set to all groups?
- Workaround group amount limit?
- Workaround "limit 9999" limit?
- Set License to beer license?
- Validate users input.
- Print qaws output during querying with prefix "qaws>" so it can be greped-out
- Print how query looks like to output.
qaws -- Query AWS CloudWatch logs
qaws [-g groups...]
[-t starttime | starttime endtime]
[-q query]
-h --help
Get this manual.
-g --groups groups ...
Specify 1 to N logging groups like "/ecs/someservice1". Wildcard * can be used like "*ecs*some*1".
If you specify only -g flag then it will print all groups in CloudWatch
-t --time starttime | starttime endtime
Specify starttime in history to more recent endtime in present.
Possible formats for time specification is:
ISO time: "2000-01-01T00:00:00"
Epoch in seconds: "1590314700"
Time relative to Now:
"1h" 1 hour ago
"1h 60m" 2 hours ago
"1h 60m 3600s" 3 hours ago
"3600s 60m 1h" 3 hours ago as well (order doesn't matter)
"3600s 3600s 3600s" 3 hours ago as well (items are repeatable)
"1y 1mo 1w 1d 1h 1m 1s" is possible as well
-g --query query
Query exactly as it is usually written in AWS CloudWatch Insights in Web Console:
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like 'event'
| limit 10"
- It can take few minutes (~2 minutes) until logs appears in CloudWatch and therefore fetching logs
with '-t "1m"' may not return any results
- Even if you set '|limit 1' in --query then CloudWatch will anyway search over entire specified e.g. '-t "10d"'
history which can take lot of time
- When you use wildcard * in group names then it will take longer to finish query as all the log group names has to be fetched from AWS
- Prints all log groups in CloudWatch:
qaws \\
- Prints all log groups in CloudWatch matching wildcard:
qaws \\
--groups "*service*"
- Basic querying:
qaws \\
--groups "/ecs/myservice0" \\
--time "1h" \\
--query "fields @message"
- Multiple groups specified with one containing wildcard:
qaws \\
--groups "*ecs*service0" "/ecs/myservice1" "/ecs/myservice2" \\
--time "1d 1h 30m" \\
--query "fields @message"
- Query logs in between past 5 and 1 hour with wildcard:
qaws \\
--groups "/ecs/*" \\
--time "5h" "1h" \\
--query "fields @timestamp @message | filter @message like 'event' | limit 9000"
- Query logs in between two ISO dates:
qaws \\
--groups "/ecs/*" \\
--time "2020-05-24T00:00:00" "2020-05-24T12:00:00" \\
--query "fields @message | filter @message like 'event' | limit 9000"
- Combine relative time with ISO date:
qaws \\
--groups "/ecs/*" \\
--time "1y" "2020-05-24T00:00:00" \\
--query "fields @message | filter @message like 'event' | limit 9000"
Jiri Kacirek ( 2020
Python 3.8