Introduction to Shiny Shiny is a new package from RStudio that makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R.
For an introduction and live examples, visit the Shiny homepage.
Build useful web applications with only a few lines of code—no JavaScript required.
Shiny applications are automatically “live” in the same way that spreadsheets are live. Outputs change instantly as users modify inputs, without requiring a reload of the browser.
Shiny user interfaces can be built entirely using R, or can be written directly in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for more flexibility.
Works in any R environment (Console R, Rgui for Windows or Mac, ESS, StatET, RStudio, etc.)
A highly customizable slider widget with built-in support for animation.
Pre-built output widgets for displaying plots, tables, and printed output of R objects.
Fast bidirectional communication between the web browser and R using the websockets package.
Uses a reactive programming model that eliminates messy event handling code, so you can focus on the code that really matters.
Develop and redistribute your own Shiny widgets that other developers can easily drop into their own applications