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k8thekat edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 8 revisions

Commands List

This documentation is subject to change at any point and may not reflect recent changes


  • Paramaters such as role, user and channel support names or Discord IDs.
    • You can provide a partial name for any paramater and the bot will attempt to find the unique paramater. CAUTION: It will fail on duplicate entries!
  • All server paramaters support Server Nicknames and Display names!

Using your commands!

  • All commands using (server), (role), (channel) and (flag) have support for autocomplete.

Bot Commands:

  • /bot moderator (role) - Sets the Discord Role for Bot Moderator.
    • ATTENTION: Requires Discord Administrator to use!
    • TIP: Please see /bot permissions for more control.
  • /bot permissions (type) - Sets the Bot Permissions to either Default or Custom.
    • ATTENTION: Requires Discord Administrator to use!
    • TIP: Please see Permissions if you want Custom control over command usage.
  • /bot settings - Lists Bot settings such as channels and whitelist status.
  • /bot donator (role) - Sets the Donator Role for Donator Only AMP Server access.
    • TIP: This will prevent people without the role from requesting whitelist to Donator only Servers.

Bot Utils Commands:

  • /bot utils ping - Pong!
  • /bot utils stop - Stops the Bot.
  • /bot utils restart - Restarts the Bot.
  • /bot utils status - Replies with AMP version and if setup is complete, DB version and if setup is complete and Displays Bot version information.
    • TIP: This information is useful when reporting bugs/errors on Github!
  • /bot utils sync (reset, local) - Sync functionality for Gatekeeperv2
    • reset (true/false) if True will clear all commands from the Command Tree and then re-sync's the command tree.
    • local (true/false) if True makes the sync or reset happen to the guild the command is used in.
  • /bot utils roleid (role) - Returns the role ID for the selected Discord Role.
  • /bot utils channelid (channel) - Returns the Channel ID for the selected Discord Channel
  • /bot utils userid (user) - Returns the User ID for the selected Discord User.
  • /bot utils clear (channel, amount) - Delete(s) the Specified amount of Messages Sent by the Bot.

Bot Cog Commands:

  • /bot cog load (path) - Loads a specific Cog. (eg. path = /cogs/cog_template)
  • /bot cog unload (cogname) - Unloads a specific Cog. (eg. name = cog_template)
  • /bot cog reload - Reloads all currently loaded Cogs.

Bot Banner Commands:

  • /bot banner auto_update (flag) - Allows the bot to automatically update the /server display Banner messages.
    • TIP: Use the /server display command inplace of your "Server Info" or similar!
  • /bot banner type (type) - Select which type of Banner to display via /server display

Bot Whitelist Commands:

  • /whitelist auto (flag) - Allows the bot to automatically Whitelist a Users request.
    • ATTENTION: flag must be True or False. Default is False.
      • TIP: This will not instantly whitelist the user if whitelist waittime is not set to zero.
  • /whitelist channel (channel) - Sets the Discord channel for the bot to monitor for whitelist requests.
  • /whitelist waittime (time) - Sets the wait time for whitelist request after the message is received. (eg. time = 5)
    • REMINDER: All time values are in Minutes! Please keep that in mind.
      • TIP: Set the value to zero to have the bot instantly whitelist users. Default value is 5 minutes!
  • /whitelist pending_emoji - Set an Emoji to be applied to pending/waiting whitelist request.
    • ATTENTION: The reaction/emoji must be from your guild.
      • TIP: The bot will post a message and you react with the emoji/reaction you want to use!
  • /whitelist done_emoji - Set an Emoji for to be applied to finished whitelist requests.
    • ATTENTION: The reaction/emoji must be from your guild.
      • TIP: The bot will post a message and you react with the emoji/reaction you want to use!
  • /whitelist reply add (message) - Adds the message to the possibly list of replies the bot can use during Whitelist handling.
    • TIP: Messages support the following parameteres.
      • <user> - Which changes to use the message author's name inside your message.
      • <server> - Which returns with the provided AMP Instance Name or Display Name respectively.
      • <guild> - Which changes to the Discord Guild Name.
      • <#channelid> - Which is replaces with a channel jump_to link. Simply use <# and > wrapped around the channel's id. (eg. <#1234567890>)
        • It will create a jump_to link during usage; but it gets saved into the DB as the example.
  • /whitelist reply remove - Removes the selected message from the list of replies the bot can use during Whitelist handling.
  • /whitelist reply list - Lists all the currently available replies the bot can use during Whitelist handling.

User/Member Group Commands:

  • /user info (user) - Displays a Discord Users information and their Database information.
  • /user add (user,mc_ign,mc_uuid,steamid) - Adds a User to the Database with the provided arguments.
    • ATTENTION: user is the only required paramater.
      • TIP: Supports Discord Name/ID or Discord Display Name/Nickname's.
    • mc_ign and mc_uuid are optional.
      • TIP: When providing mc_ign, the bot will fetch the mc_uuid and set it for you in the Database if not provided.
    • steamid is optional.
      • TIP: You can get someones steamid via their name at Steam Finder or use /user steamid (name)
  • /user update (user,mc_ign,mc_uuid,steamid) - Updates the Users Database information with the provided arguments.
  • /user uuid (mc_ign) - Gets a users UUID! via Minecraft In-Game Name (eg. mc_ign = k8_thekat)
  • /user role (role) - Sets a users permission role level. See Permissions
    • TIP: These have prefix's that you can set, allowing you to give people custom prefix's via a role for displaying inside of your Servers!
      • This only displays when sending a message from Discord to the Dedicated Server.
  • /user steamid (name) - Looks up the Steam Display Name provided and returns the assosciated STEAM ID with it.
    • ATTENTION: This is early experimental, it may be inaccurate.

AMP Server Database Commands:

  • /dbserver cleanup - Removes any Database Server entries that are not in your AMP Instances list.
  • /dbserver swap (server, replacement_server) - Use this to switch an AMP instance with another AMP Instance in the Database.

AMP Server Commands:

  • /server display - Lists all AMP Servers in banners with current information.
    • TIP: Those banners get updated every minute! So use the command as a "Status" style channel and pin them!
  • /server update - Updates the current list of AMP servers. (This is also done every 5 minutes)
    • TIP: This is used when creating a new Instance and needing to update the bots listings.
  • /server start (server) - Starts the specified dedicated server.
    • TIP: server supports server nicknames that are set via /server nickname add command.
  • /server stop (server) - Stops the specified AMP Dedicated server.
  • /server restart (server) - Restarts the specified AMP Dedicated server.
  • /server kill (server) - Kills the specified AMP Dedicated server.
  • /server msg (message) - Sends a message to the console for the specified AMP Dedicated server.

AMP Server Settings Commands:

  • /server settings info (server) - Displays information such as IP, Donator Only, Whitelist Open, Discord Role, Discord Chat/Console/Event Channels and Nicknames.
  • /server settings backup (server) - Creates a backup of the AMP Dedicated server.
    • ATTENTION: Set's the Title to <user> generated backup where <user> is the command users Discord Name.
      • The Description gets set to the current Date and Time in UTC
  • /server settings status (server) - Displays a embedded message of the AMP Dedicated server with status information and buttons for start, stop, kill and restart.
    • ATTENTION: Everyone can see the buttons, but only people with proper permission can interact with the buttons.
    • TIP: To interact with the buttons the user must have the respective permisisons. See Server Status Button Permissions.
  • /server settings users (server) - Displays a list of connected users on the AMP Dedicated server.
  • /server settings displayname (server, name) - Sets the display name of the AMP Dedicated server in the Database.
    • ATTENTION: This is used and displayed when commands such as /server status and /server list are used in place of the Instance Name.
    • TIP: You can use the display name in place of any server paramater for commands.
  • /server settings description (server, description) - Sets the description of the AMP Dedicated server in the Database.
    • ATTENTION: This is only used and displayed when commands such as /server status and /server list.
  • /server settings IP (server, IP) - Sets the IP of the AMP Dedicated server in the Database.
    • ATTENTION: This is only used and displayed when commands such as /server status and /server list.
    • TIP: IP is what you want your players to use to connect to the server!
  • /server settings role (server, role) - Sets the role of the AMP Dedicated Server in the Database.
    • ATTENTION: This is the Discord Role the bot will give the User when requesting whitelist on said AMP Dedicated Server.
    • TIP: role can be a Discord Role ID or Discord Role Name.
  • /server settings prefix (server, prefix) - Set a prefix to be displayed on Chat messages IN-game from other servers.
    • ATTENTION: Any messages from Discord to a Server will be prefixed with [DISCORD], otherwise if it comes from another AMP Server it will use the server's prefix.
  • /server settings avatar (server, url) - Sets the Avatar Icon for the specified AMP Dedicated Server.
    • TIP: Supports webp, jpeg, jpg, png, or gif if it's animated.
      • url Can be set to None so it displays the default/original Icon created.
  • /server settings broadcast (type) - Sends a message to every online AMP Dedicated Server.
    • type Can be picked as a Prefix to your message when sending the message to the server.
  • /server settings hidden (flag) - Hides or Shows the Servers Banners when using /server display

AMP Server Donator Commands:

  • /server donator (flag) - Sets Donator Only Flag for the AMP Dedicated server to True
    • ATTENTION: This doesn't prevent players without the rank from connecting; only for auto whitelisting purposes.

AMP Server Console Commands:

  • /server console channel (server, channel) - Sets the Discord Channel for the AMP Dedicated Server Console to output to.
    • TIP: You can type commands in the set channel similar to typing in AMP Console web GUI.
  • /server console filter (server, flag) - Set Console filtering for the AMP Dedicated server.
    • TIP: Setting this to True will still display login/disconnect events, achievements, chat messages, console commands and anything else deemed important.
    • flag supports True or False

AMP Server Chat Commands:

  • /server chat channel (server, channel) - Sets the Discord Channel for the AMP Dedicated server to output its chat messages to.
    • TIP: Discord Users can talk back and forth to in-game users as if they were playing too!

AMP Server Event Commands:

  • /server event channel (server, channel)- Sets the Event Channel for the provided AMP Dedicated Server to output event type messages to.
    • ATTENTION: This is events such as join/leave and achievements. Currently experimental, some may be missed.

AMP Server Whitelist Commands:

  • /server whitelist true (server) - Sets the whitelist flag to true for the AMP Dedicated server.
    • ATTENTION: This is only for Whitelisting purposes with auto-whitelist. This will not prevent players from connecting.
  • /server whitelist false (server) - Sets the whitelist flag to false for the dedicated server.
  • /server whitelist add (server,user) - Adds the IGN to the AMP Dedicated server whitelist.
    • user only supports in-game names.
  • /server whitelist remove (server,user) - Removes the IGN from the AMP Dedicated server whitelist.
    • user only supports in-game names.

AMP Server Nickname Commands:

  • /server nickname add (server, nickname) - Adds the specified nickname to the servers lists of nicknames.
    • TIP: These nicknames are searched for when doing Whitelist requests allowing more variance to find a specific server.
  • /server nickname remove (server, nickname) - Removes the specificed nickname from the servers list of nicknames.
  • /server nickname list (server) - Displays a list of the AMP Servers nicknames.

AMP Server Banner Commands:

  • /server banner settings (server) - Prompts the Banner Editor View.
  • /server banner background (server, background_image) - Select the Background Image to be used as the Banner Image for the selected AMP Server.

Setting AMP Server Nicknames:

  • First thing to remember is the Nickname must be UNIQUE.
    • No two AMP Servers can have the same Nickname in their list of Nicknames.
  • These Nicknames will work during auto-whitelist requests allowing the bot to handle a variance of "Nicknames".
  • Each AMP Server can have an unlimited amount of Nicknames; allowing for lots of variety.
    • CAUTION: Any SIMILARITIES between Server Nicknames will cause duplicate finds. See below.
      • Example - Server 1: Vanilla MC || Server 2: Vanilla TDM and you search for Vanilla would return multiple results.

Interacting with your AMP Server via Discord Channels:

  • Set your Discord Console Channels and Discord Chat Channels per Server via
    • /server console channel (server, channel)
    • /server chat channel (server, channel)
  • After setting your Discord Console Channel you should see console messages be displayed to the Discord Channel.
  • After setting your Discord Chat Channel you can talk to players inside the server via Discord.
    • Any message you send to that set channel; goes to that specific AMP Server and is sent like an in-game Chat Message.
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