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k8thekat edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 8 revisions


This section is for those wanting to really "Fine Tune" your permissions.

  • Gatekeeperv2 has the ability to set permissions per command or globally across a parent command.
  • You can make as many "Roles" as you want and can assign them to Discord users however you want!
    • The only restriction is that ANY ROLE you give a Discord User via the /user role command MUST EXIST in the bot_perms file or it won't work.

Enabling Custom Permissions

  • After configuring your bot_perms.json file, simply restart Gatekeeper and use the command /bot permissions and select Custom
    • Gatekeeper will verify the file, reporting any issues it finds and exiting. You must restart the bot after fixing your permissions file.
      • TIP: I strongly recommend keeping a backup of the file when making changes.
      • WARNING: Gatekeeper will NOT START if you are set to Custom and the file is invalid.
    • TIP - The bot will still respect those with Discord Administrator Permission privelage under Role -> Advanced Permissions.
      • WARNING: The bot will no longer respect the role set by /bot moderator, it is completely bypassed.

Setting up your Permissions File

  • Each role must have a name, discord_role_id, prefix and permissions.
    • ATTENTION: All these values must exist! discord_role_id and prefix are the only ones that can be set to "None"
    • TIP: You can get a Discord role's ID via the /bot roleid (role) command.
    "name": "Admin", #This field can be set to any name/phrase you want to set as a "role" 
    "discord_role_id": "1004516841932214373", #This must be the numeric value you get from Copy Role ID in developer mode.
    "prefix": "Admin", #This will be displayed when a User with this role talks On Discord and is sent to the Dedicated Server.
    "permissions": [

Using your Permission Nodes

Adding Permissions

  • Simply place the permission node inside the Roles permissions list.

    • REMINDER: You want to place the permission node inside the opening "[" and closing "]", each entry needs quotes("double") and between each entry needs to be a comma(,). (eg `'-bot.status', '-bot.)
    {"name": "Admin",
    "discord_role_id": "1004516841932214373", #Must be a Discord Role ID.
        ["bot.status", #This is ALLOWING the command '/bot status'

Removing Permissions

  • Simply place the permission node inside the Roles permissions list with a - in front of it. (eg. -bot.status)
    • REMINDER: You want to place the permission node inside the opening "[" and closing "]", each entry needs quotes("double") and between each entry needs to be a comma(,). (eg "-bot.status", "")
    {"name": "Admin",
    "discord_role_id": "1004516841932214373",
        ["-bot.status", #This is REMOVING the permissions node bot.status preventing the role from using the command '/bot status'

Adding Wildcard Permissions

  • Adding the permission node server.* would give the Role full access to any /server command.
    • Location of the wildcard does not matter.
  • TIP: You can REMOVE permission for a specific command simply by adding a - before the permission node (eg. -server.list)
    • The user would still have access to all other /server commands EXCEPT /server list.
    {"name": "Admin",
    "discord_role_id": "1004516841932214373",
        ["bot.*", #This is my wildcard, allowing me to use any command that starts with '/bot'
        "-bot.status"]} #This is REMOVING the permission to use the command '/bot status' even though the wildcard exists.

Permission Nodes

  • This list may be missing permissions. You have been warned, check your logger for permission nodes.

Server Status Button Permissions

  • For a User to interact with the buttons from the /server status command. They need the respective permission nodes.
    • Start Button requires server.start
    • Stop Button requires server.stop
    • Restart Button requires server.restart
    • Kill Button requires server.kill

Discord Console Channel Permissions

Node List














