weeklyScheduler is a JavaScript program that generates an Excel file in the form of a graphical weekly schedule.
It accepts as input a tabular format Excel file with department course data as the rows.
It extracts data from the input file to generate the output file.
Customized weekly schedules and reports for abnormal course data are generated.
Install node.js and import node modules into project directory
To color code sections by Instructor, run
node.js Fall_2022_CS_Reflist_3.1.22.xlsx CS "ASTR PHYS" I
- To color code sections by Course (Subject + Catalog), run
node.js Fall_2022_CS_Reflist_3.1.22.xlsx "ASTR PHYS" C
Excel_Extra_Input_Files: contains older input files to work with
Note: Input Excel we want to run with must be located in main directory
Excel_Output: output files are saved here
Config files must be located in main directory
Courses related by auto enroll
- Sections in an auto group that are missing the units field, can infer units from a related component.
- Main component sections that cannot be matched to their listed auto enroll components can still be drawn to the schedule but will be flagged on the report.
- Section units are adjusted (if possible) according to the reported number of auto enroll sections by the main component, for that group.
Dual Reports
Courses can be drawn to the schedule but also flagged
Sections with missing fields
Required fields to be drawn
Term, Subject, Catalog, Pat, START TIME, END TIME
Non-required missing fields will be omitted from schedule block text.
Component, Section, Last, Facil ID
Courses related by auto enroll
- Auto enroll components with issues with their main components can still be drawn to the schedule, as long as all of their required scheduling info is present.
- Main component courses with issues with their auto enroll components can still be drawn (under the same conditions as above).
Courses without colors
Courses that cannot be matched to an Instructor or Course color will be drawn in gray.
Matches department/subject command line arguments to correct tab in input Excel file
Order of columns in input Excel file does not matter
Order of rows/auto enroll group components does not matter
Time is accepted in various formats, including:
- hh:mm:ss A -> 13:00:01 pm, 1:10:45 aM
- hh:mm:ssA -> 13:00:01pm, 1:10:45aM
- hh:mm:ss -> 13:00:01, 1:10:45
- hh:m A -> 13:00 pm, 1:10 aM
- hh:mA -> 13:00pm, 1:10aM
- hh:m -> 13:00, 1:10
- h A -> 13 pm, 1 aM
- hA -> 13pm, 1aM
- h -> 13, 1
Config file names are inferred from CL args
Example: "ASTR PHYS" ==> astr_phys_config.json
Worksheet title inferred from CL args and "Term" found in input Excel
Example: "ASTR PHYS" & Term: 2217 = "ASTR PHYS Fall 2021 Schedule"
Attribute row index is located, not assumed
Output Excel filename dynamically generated