cfg/efficientnet_b0.cfg may be implemented by AlexeyAB darknet.
And trained with ImageNet Dataset.
Pre-trained weights is provided on Cross Stage Partial Networks.
To improve mAP or to customize target object categories backbone network should be trained from scratch.
I use ImageNet_Utils to collect my target categories from ImageNet urls.
I collect ImageNet urls related to VOC Keywords and download images.
- clone repo,
$ git clone --recursive
- generate url list and download it.
$ ./
$ ./ --downloadImages --wnid_list imagenet.labels.safedomain900.list -n 1000 -th 50
$ ./
1000 urls/category are collected.
50 CPU threads are used to download.
Images will be saved under 'inet_image/category_id/' directory.
category_id is like n01592540, n03505504 so on.
- train classifier
write like below,
train = ImageNet_Utils/train.txt
valid = ImageNet_Utils/valid.txt
backup = backupEffb0
labels = ImageNet_Utils/inet-voc.labels.list
names = ImageNet_Utils/imagenet.shortnames.safedomain900.list
248 classes is example and denotes categories related to VOC 20 categories in ImageNet url list.
start training
$ ./darknet classifier train cfg/efficientnet_b0.cfg
Unfortunately wait over 20 days even if on double GTX1080Ti.