This demo shows how to make use of BunifuDatePicker to it's maximum, it has custom properties including
- BorderRadius -Gets or Sets the border radius of the datepicker
- Color - Gets or Sets the color of the datepicker control
- DateBorderThickeness - Gets or Sets the Type of border thickness of the control
- DisplayWeekNumber - Gets or Sets the Week Display Property to true or false
- FillDatePicker - Gets or Sets the fill type of the datepicker to true of false
- Icon - Gets or Sets the icon of the control
- IconColor - Gets or Sets the color of the Icon
- IconLocation - Gets or Sets the location of the icon to Right or Left.
Advantages of BunifuDatePicker is you can achieve your desired look with a few property changes and also give your project a modern look. Screenshot
BunifuDatePicker has Value property where you can Get or Set its value, say if you want the displayed value of the datepicker to be yesterday you can set it like
DateTime result = DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
bunifuDatePicker1.Value = result;
Information about DatePicker Value Property is found here
Note : Make sure you add these libraries before testing this app
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