show {device|devicetype} id
show {devices|devicetypes} [ like wildcard ]
show {devices|devicetypes} [ where key=value]
create devicetype <deviceTypeId>(<sensorId> <valueType>[,<sensorId> <valueType>,...]) tags(<t1>[,...]) attributes(<k1 v1>[,...])
create device <deviceId>(<deviceTypeId>) tags(t1[,...]) attributes(k1 v1[,...])
update devicetype set tags(t1[,...]) attributes(k1 v1[,...]) where id = <deviceTypeId>
update device set deviceTypeId=<deviceTypeId>,tags(t1[,...]) attributes(k1 v1[,...]) where id = <deviceId>
drop {device | devicetype} {<deviceTypeId> | <deviceId>}
import '<csv_file_path>' into <deviceTypeId>
select <sensorId>[,<sensorId>...] from <deviceId> [where ts={<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}] [page <m> ] [size <n>] into '<outfile_path>'
select * from <deviceId> [where ts={<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}] [page <m> ] [size <n>] into '<outfile_path>'
select <sensorId>[,<sensorId>...] from <deviceId> [where ts={<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select * from <deviceId> [where ts={<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$
select <sensorId>[,<sensorId>...] from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select * from device_name [where ts>{<timestamp> |'<iso>' } and {<timestamp> |'<iso>' }]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$
statistic depends on pandas
select describe(<sensorId>[,<sensorId>...]) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select describe(*) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$
select plot(<sensorId>[,<sensorId>...]) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select plot(*) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$
select hist(<sensorId>[,<sensorId>...]) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select hist(*) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$
select boxplot(<sensorId>[,<sensorId>...]) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
select boxplot(*) from <deviceId> [where ts > {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'} and ts < {<timestamp> |'<iso>' | 'relative_time_expr'}]
relative_time_expr: ^(now)(-)([0-9]+)([s,m,h,d,w]{1})$