# User Registration and Management API
An API to create, update, and delete users on the go using Django Rest Framework.
## About
This project is a simple REST API built with Django Rest Framework to manage user registrations and their management. It provides endpoints to create, update, retrieve, and delete user information.
## Features
- **User Registration**: Create new users with the necessary details.
- **User Management**: Update and delete existing users.
- **User Retrieval**: Retrieve user information by ID.
- **RESTful Endpoints**: Fully RESTful API endpoints for seamless integration.
## Installation
1. **Clone the Repository**
git clone https://github.com/jztchl/user_reg_manage_api.git
cd user_reg_manage_api
Create and Activate a Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate # On Windows use `env\Scripts\activate`
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply Migrations
python manage.py migrate
Run the Server
python manage.py runserver
The following endpoints are available:
- POST /api/users/: Create a new user.
- GET /api/users/: Retrieve a list of users.
- GET /api/users/{id}/: Retrieve a user by ID.
- PUT /api/users/{id}/: Update a user by ID.
- DELETE /api/users/{id}/: Delete a user by ID.
- appapi/: Directory containing the main application logic.
- projectapi/: Directory containing the project settings and configurations.
- db.sqlite3: SQLite database file.
- manage.py: Django management script.
- requirements.txt: File listing required Python packages.
- Readme.md: Project documentation.
Contributions are welcome! Please create an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to customize this README further to better suit your project’s specifics and additional details.