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Microservices with Node.js, React, Docker, Kubernetes and AWS EKS

Clone this project with the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Using Docker compose

The images are build in the host machine using a local Dockerfile in each service trough a docker compose file orchestrator. docker-compose.yml

# start the services
docker compose up -d
# delete the services
docker compose down

The endpoints are exposed through the host machine in localhost:

Development in Host

For development purposes, a compose file compose-only-db.yml is used to start only the database and the adminer service.

# start the only-db service
docker compose -f compose-only-db.yml up -d
# delete the only-db service
docker compose -f compose-only-db.yml down

Create the corresponding .env file in each folder (see auth-api, frontend, tasks-api, users-api and frontend and install dependencies.

npm i
# once the dependencies are installed, .env file is created, and the only-db service is running
npm run dev # can failed the first time due to concurrent processes


There is two stages: local and eks. The k8s folder contains the kubernetes manifests structured in two folders: base and overlay following the kustomize structure.

Local Deploy

Deploy k8s

The deploy is realized using kustomize.

kubectl apply -k ./k8s/overlay/local


If minikube is used for the local cluster, the services will be exposed in the host machine. Use this script to get the urls of the services.


Delete resources

kubectl delete -k ./k8s/overlay/local

Push script

The script will build the images and push them to the docker hub in a name like jym272/multinetwork-auth-api:latest -> myuser/multinetwork-service:latest, make sure to configure docker hub credentials in the host machine and the repo names must be created in docker hub, change the docker_hub_repo_prefix_name variable in the script.

# push script: change this variable to your docker hub repo prefix name
declare docker_hub_repo_prefix_name="myuser/multinetwork"

Also there is a kustomization available in the k8s folder to change the image name in all manifests according to your docker hub repo image names. Change the values of newName and newTag in the files:

  • k8s/overlay/eks/kustomization.yaml
  • k8s/overlay/local/kustomization.yaml
# Usage, it will build the images using docker-compose.yml and push them to Docker hub

# All services will be built and pushed
# it uses the tag:latest and the images is built with cache by default
# it uses a custom tag
bash --tag v1.0.0
# it uses the tag:latest and build the images without cache, force rebuild
bash --no-cache
# it uses a custom tag and build the images without cache, force rebuild
bash --tag v2.0.0 --no-cache

# Selected services will be built and pushed
# only frontend and auth-api
bash frontend auth-api
# only tasks-api with tag
bash --tag v1.0.0 tasks-api
# only users-api without cache
bash --no-cache users-api

Cloud Deploy using AWS EKS

Follow instructions of file in aws-kubectl folder.