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Webpack Multipage Base Template

Wanna do some multipage static sites?


Open entries.mjs file and add your pages in pages constant.

  title: 'index', // For config title and chunking
  folder: '', // Source file
  output_folder: '' // Url

It also supports sub/sub/sub directories like what I did in /pagetwo/about

  • The title, folder and output_folder keys should be unique.
  • The folder key will be the actual folder inside of src folder.
  • The output_folder key will be use as url path like http://localhost:3000/:folder

The webpack config is similar to the first version of the "Webpack base template," but the "Webpack base template" is only for single-page applications. The main difference between this template and the others is that this template supports multipage rendering, although it requires some additional setup complexity. To simplify the process, I added the entries.mjs file for easier configuration. Additionally, I have updated my ga4-webpack-plugin to meet the requirements of this webpack configuration.

Hope you guys like this

Incase you lost

Created with love and frustration by Jovan