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Les Hazlewood edited this page May 13, 2015 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the jjwt wiki!

Release Instructions:

#. Run the release build:

mvn clean
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare
# Choose a version number.
# Choose an SCM release tag.  This should be *just* the version number: 0.5, not jjwt-0.5
# Choose the new development version.  If releasing 0.5, this would be 0.6-SNAPSHOT
mvn release:perform

#. Log in to the Sonatype OSS admin console #. On the menu on the left, choose 'Staging Repositories' and find iojsonwebtoken-### (usually at the bottom of the list). Check the checkbox for that item. #. Click the 'Close' button at the top of the list. Add in a quick note (e.g. 'Closing for the 0.5 release') and click 'Confirm. #. Wait a minute or so and click the 'Refresh' button at the top of the list. The 'Release' button should now be enabled. Click 'Release' and enter in a quick note (e.g. 'Releasing 0.5'). Ensure the Automatically Drop option IS checked (you want this). Click 'Confirm'. #. Logout.

That's it! The release should show up in Maven Central in 15 to 30 minutes.

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