An android App that uses the API for the game battlerite to display user statistics
The first view shown to the user prompts them to enter their Battlerite player name. When the user presses search a request is sent to the API with the player's name. If the player does not exist then a toast message is shown notifying the user.
If the player does exist then they are taken to the UserOverview view.
In the UserOverview the user is shown some stats related to their account (Account name, Account Level, Total Wins & Total Losses)
The user is also able to view statistics for each individual Battlerite champion by pressing a button at the bottom of the view
The statistics for each individual champion are held in a list and are shown to the user via a recyclerview.
The user is able to see the wins, losses, win rate, champion level and time played for each champion
The user is also able to sort the list of champions by any of the following, Name, Wins, Losses and Time Played by accessing a drop down menu from the actionbar