- Brian Armstrong (barm)
- David Grochowski (ThePumpingLemma)
- Kyle Seever (kseever)
- Micah Denbraver (macro1)
- Ross Mechanic (rossmechanic)
- Trey Hunner (treyhunner)
- Adnan Umer (uadnan)
- Aleksey Kladov
- Alexander Anikeev
- Amanda Ng (AmandaCLNg)
- Ben Lawson (blawson)
- bradford281
- Brian Armstrong (barm)
- Buddy Lindsey, Jr.
- Brian Dixon
- Christopher Broderick (uhurusurfa)
- Corey Bertram
- Damien Nozay
- Daniel Gilge
- Daniel Levy
- Daniel Roschka
- Daniil Skrobov (yetanotherape)
- David Grochowski (ThePumpingLemma)
- David Hite
- Eduardo Cuducos
- Erik van Widenfelt (erikvw)
- Filipe Pina (@fopina)
- Florian Eßer
- Frank Sachsenheim
- George Vilches
- Gregory Bataille
- Grzegorz Bialy
- Hamish Downer
- Hanyin Zhang
- James Muranga (jamesmura)
- James Pulec
- Jesse Shapiro
- Jim Gomez
- Joao Junior (joaojunior)
- Joao Pedro Francese
- jofusa
- John Whitlock
- Jonathan Leroy
- Jonathan Sanchez
- Jonathan Zvesper (zvesp)
- Josh Fyne
- Kevin Foster
- Klaas van Schelven
- Kris Neuharth
- Kyle Seever (kseever)
- Leticia Portella
- Lucas Wiman
- Maciej "RooTer" Urbański
- Mark Davidoff
- Martin Bachwerk
- Marty Alchin
- Matheus Cansian (mscansian)
- Mauricio de Abreu Antunes
- Micah Denbraver
- Michael England
- Miguel Vargas
- Mike Spainhower
- Nathan Villagaray-Carski (ncvc)
- Nianpeng Li
- Nick Träger
- Phillip Marshall
- Prakash Venkatraman (dopatraman)
- Rajesh Pappula
- Ray Logel
- Roberto Aguilar
- Rod Xavier Bondoc
- Ross Lote
- Ross Mechanic (rossmechanic)
- Ross Rogers
- Sergey Ozeranskiy (ozeranskiy)
- Shane Engelman
- Steeve Chailloux
- Steven Klass
- Tommy Beadle (tbeadle)
- Trey Hunner (treyhunner)
- Ulysses Vilela
- vnagendra
This code originally comes from Pro Django, published by Apress, Inc. in December 2008. The author of the book and primary author of the code is Marty Alchin <marty@martyalchin.com>, who may be found online at <http://martyalchin.com/>.
As part of the technical review process, additional code modifications were provided by the technical reviewer, George Vilches <gav@thataddress.com>.
This code was originally extended, licensed, and improved by Corey Bertram <corey@qr7.com> with the permission of Marty Alchin.