Teaching material for the MSc Module "Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics"
- For the 12.04.2024 the plan is to work on the chapter 04_earth_observation_products_automl.ipynb and the corresponding assignemnts.
- For the 11.04.2024 the meeting for the joint drone campaign is given here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1Ah2MfKngwOZFqpjER-AID_RQrqEj5aw
- dare to ask many questions
- dare to give feedback
- in the course, to teja.kattenborn@geosense.uni-freiburg or also here in Github unter "Issues" or "Disscussions)
- For instance, feedback on improvements for the course, errors in the code, analysis of interest, etc.
- Be patient with yourself (expect both flat and steep learning curves)
- Help eachother :-)
- All data can be found here.
- In total the data amounts to 18 GB. Let me know if you do not have sufficient storage ressources for the duration of the course.
- Your own computer
- CIP-Pool computers
- Google Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/
- Colab-JuPyteR shortcuts: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13IO3-gfyS9mSPuzAo6-wsYBUOVpxb_va?usp=sharing
- pip install rioxarray (in colab)
- alternatives conda or mamba (conda install -c conda-forge)
- list of packages that should be installed for the course: rioxarray rioxarray matplotlib numpy xarray glob2 pandas geopandas rasterstats rasterio