Releases: justsap/Sapling-Origin
Sapling Origin v2.0.2
Technical Changes/Bug Fixes:
- Edited the code for Share Nutrients to be more reliable & less buggy. (Fixed Inconsistent bug where timer/cooldown stopped working correctly at random)
- Moved
to Sapling Folder - Included
in thebush-replaceable
tag to reduce the number ofexecute_command(s)
in Grounded Roots ability - Updated pack.mcmeta
Sapling Origin v2.0.1
Visible Changes
Share Nutrients
- Now works with Villagers & Wandering Traders
- You now also get saturation from activating it
Icon & Pack
- Updated pack.png
- Pack description now shows version number
Share Nutrients
- Fixed issue where it would give potion effects to any entity inside the circle. Now it only targets entities found in tag
Sapling Origin v2.0.0
Visible Changes
Share Nutrients:
Nature Support: Allows you to activate ability with almost any land animal (including dogs!).
Nerfed Self-Effects: Removed Regeneration (this only applies to the user, so everyone else EXCEPT YOU will have regeneration and other effects).
Armor Change: Reduced Fire Protection requirement from full set of level 3 to level 2.
Buzz Buzz: Now immune to bee stings and harvesting honey.
Grounded Roots
Bush: Changed Bush to be full flowering azalea leaves (previously it was 2/3rds regular azalea leaves).
Poison Ivy:
Cooldown: Changed cooldown bar texture.
Origins Screen
Icon: Changed Origin icon from Flowering Azalea Bush to Oak Sapling
Descriptions Edited general description & activated abilities descriptions.
Autotroph & Flammable
Detection: Changed Light Detection from feet to head to fix bug where riding boats on land either gave you weakness or allowed you to bypass hot biome burning.
Grounded Roots
Replace: Fixed where grounded roots wouldn't work properly in classic cave structures (like mineshafts).
Techincal Changes
- Relocated power files to a different folder
(to allow the possibility for making multiple origins in the same datapack.) - Renamed parent folder containing
andcategory tags
from "justsap" to "sapcraft".
Sapling Origin v1.0.2
Reduced XP costs of the following abilities
- Grounded Roots: From 4 exp levels to 2 exp levels
- Sharing Nutrients: From 2 exp levels to 1 exp levels
Sapling Origin v1.0.1
- Fixed Bug with Nutrient Share ability where it would activate upon loading or spawning in world for the first time
- Reduced Nutrient Share ability EXP requirement & usage from 4 EXP levels to 2 EXP levels
- Increased Grounded Roots ability EXP requirement & usage from 2 EXP to 4 EXP
Minor Changes
- Updated power descriptions that were changed
- Updated pack.mcmeta
Sapling Origin v1.0.0
This datapack adds my personal origin, "Sapling"! This requires Origins Mod, APUGLI (or toomanyorigins mod if u want more origins), and Origins Extra Keybinds
This origin has the following abilities:
+ Poison Ivy [Toggled]: Whenever you punch a player or entity with this toggled, it poisons the target. This also makes it so any entity or player that hits you also gets poisoned (even if its not toggled)
+ Grounded Roots [Activate]: You can protect yourself by summoning a bush-like structure and give yourself a bunch of defensive potion effects. This may seem overpowered, however it takes away 5 experience levels.
+ Phasing Leaves: You can move faster when phasing through leaves
+ Autotroph & Water: Sunlight gives you saturation, drinking water gives fills hunger points, and rain gives you regeneration, but being in darkness makes you weak, and you can't eat normal foods.
+ Burnable: You can't handle hot biomes and fire deals more damage to you, however you can prevent it by wearing full armor set of fire protection 3 or more.
+ Childhood Biome: Your first spawn is always a forest biome.
+ Remains: Upon death, you leave an azalea bush and you also have custom hurt & death sounds.
+ No Shields
Official Links (as of July 2024)
Modrinth: (please use this, it has more details and gives links to dependencies)
@justsap_ on Twitter & Instagram
Changelog from Beta
- Custom hurt & death sounds
- Now you leave an azalea bush upon death
Share Nutrients
- Changed particle ring
- Added Resistance & Saturation to effect list
- Changed Sunlight Detection from "exposed to sun" to sky light detection (if skylight level is above or equal to 10, you get fed from light)
- Changed Photosynthesis method from saturation potion effect to origins:feed
- Changed Sunlight Detection from "exposed to sun" to sky light detection (if skylight level is above or equal to 10, you get set on fire)
- Balanced Poison ability to a less exteme value and added hunger effect to poison punch
- Reduced effects of Bush sheild ability
- Improved Share Nutrients Ability
Techincal Changes
- Changed nutrients.json to autotroph.json
- Combined Poison Ivy sub-abilties "poison-hit" & "regret" to one, so it's more reliable
- Renamed ability "No Shields" to "Shieldless"
Sapling Origin v0.4.0-beta
- Now requires apugli & origins extra keybinds
- Added "Share Nutrients" ability which lets you create a regeneration field when near another player
- Improved leaf phasing ability (previously your feet had to be in leaves to get speed boost but now any part of body works)
Minor Changes
- Reorganized origin screen and added tooltips to every ability with an icon
- Changed execution of ability sound FX from "execute command" to "origins:playsound"
Sapling Origin v0.3.0-alpha
CHANGELOG alpha-v0.3.0
New Features
- Renamed "Burnable" to "Flammable" and edited description
- Added Immunity to berry bushes, cacti, and poison
- Added Rain Regen, you get regeneration by being in the rain
Edits & Fixes to existing features:
- Changed Origin Icon from Flowering Azalea Leaves to just Flowering Azalea
- Edited Origin Description
- Renamed "Burnable" to "Flammable" and edited description
- Reduced Fire Resistance requirement from full fire prot 4 to fire prot 3
- In hot overworld biomes, now you only catch on fire if it's daytime, but nether stays the same
- Renamed "Phasing leaf" to "Leaf Phasing"
- Fixed Defensive bush to replace grass and tall grass when activated
File edits:
- Combined Autotroph-related JSONS into "nutrients.json"
- Combined "leaves.json" & "speedleaf.json" into just "leafphasing.json" and added green sprite to that ability
- Removed nether biomes from "hots" tag
- Added "hots-nether" tag which only contains nether biomes
Sapling Origin v0.2.0-alpha
- Renamed Origin Folder from lonetree to justsap (lonetree was my old username)
- Combined the 2 scorch JSONS to one json
- Added the ability to prevent fire damage from hot biomes by using full resistance 4 armor set
- Edited Mcmeta file
- Added Pack.png
Reason why the first version seems to be alpha 0.2.0 is due to the fact I made a new repository because at first I had no clue how they worked, so I made this new one
First Repository: