Scriter is a web application that scrapes job posting data and visualizes the outputs.
An installer has been provided to simplify initial setup. Ensure that Ansible is installed on an Ubuntu 20.04 server, then use the following steps:
[user]$ sudo su
[root]# ansible-playbook setup/install.yml
[root]# sudo su scriter
[scriter]$ python setup/
Test Local Deployment
Navigate to localhost:8000 with a web browser of your choice to interact with the application.
[scriter]$ python web_server/scriter/ runserver
< CTRL-C to Kill>
Production Deployment
Be sure to replace the secret key in setup/deploy.yml
before running this command.
[scriter]$ ansible setup/deploy.yml
Web Scrape
[scriter]$ cd web_scraper/
[scriter]$ scrapy runspider -o software_engineer.csv -s CLOSESPIDER_PAGECOUNT=1000 -a job_title='software+engineer'
Load Data into PostgreSQL
[scriter]$ cd web_scraper/
[scriter]$ python software_engineer.csv software_engineer
Generate Metrics from Data
[scriter]$ cd data_modeler/
[scriter]$ python software_engineer
Set Keywords
[scriter]$ vim data_modeler/tech.json
The application is written in Python and consists of four separate components, loosely coupled.
Web Scraper Job to Gather Data (Scrapy)
DB to Store Data (sqlalchemy + Postgres)
Model Builder to convert raw job posting text into TFIDF metrics (sklearn + NLTK)
Web Server to Display Data (Django + Highcharts)