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Releases: justcoded/just-responsive-images

Bugfix: Wrong cropped image source

09 Mar 15:30
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We found a small bug:

If one of image side size (width/height) of the original image is similar to required image size, crop is enabled and another required side should be lower - then inserted wrong image source of the original image.
Example: you want to resize image 1200x800 to 1200x400 with crop.

This patch fix this issue.

Image resize on page load

07 Mar 19:53
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  • The main update here is resizing images on page load and not on WP media upload. This feature should save a lot of space!
  • SVG images now print alt attribute as well.

Upgrade Notice

By default plugin doesn't require any special requirements through upgrade.

However if you want to clean up your disk from unused images/image sizes you need to complete several steps:


  • Install plugins Image Cleanup and Regenerate Thumbnails
  • Backup your Database and wp-content/uploads folder!
  • Go to Dashboard > Tools > Uploads Cleanup (this page is provided by Just Responsive Images plugin)
  • Press "Remove cropped/resized images" - this will clean up your disk from all intermediate image files.
  • Now activate "Image Cleanup" plugin and open Dashboard > Tools > Image Cleanup.
  • Press "Index Images" button.
  • You should see a filter called "Invalid Attachment Meta (XXX)" after indexing, click on it.
  • Now select all rows, choose "Delete, Except [Full]" and press "Apply". If you have pagination available - repeat this action for all pages.
  • Now you should upgrade Just Responsive Images plugin


  • After upgrade the only registered image sizes will be thumbnail, medium and large and your theme specific if there are some. After "Uploads cleanup" we don't have any resized images on disk, so Media library will show missing images.
  • To fix missing images in Media Library - use Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.
  • Now you can open your site and Just Responsive Images will generate only required sizes.
  • We recommend to click through the most important pages of your site to generate required images and do not annoy your visitors with long delay in page load.

Improved SVG support

16 Jan 15:01
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We found a problem with SVG, that it's not valid to use tag for them. Furthermore, different browsers works weird when there are no width/height attributes.

Unfortunately, there are no options to find out the correct dimensions of SVG.

As an update we updated the code to always print tag with width and height attributes set from the configuration array (main size only!, no media break points)

Hotfix featured image notice

19 Sep 15:12
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Bug fix: After selecting too small image for featured image a notice can appear about missing key in some array.

Retina support

14 Jul 18:16
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* New: True retina support for picture, img and background methods.
* Bug fix: responsive image with "img" tag does not work in different IE/Edge versions

SVG images support

04 May 11:23
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By default WordPress does not allow SVG uploads because of security reasons.

However a lot of sites has trusted site administrator, which validate the content before uploading, so SVG upload is enabled on a lot of sites.

In previous versions we didn't support SVG uploads, because they doesn't have meta data (for image size). Now we added support to print responsive tags anyway, even if user uploaded SVG.

If your theme has SVG icons - we suggest to print them manually, without rwd functions. Responsive functions are developed for rasterized images, not vector images.

Bugfix: IE11

25 Apr 09:10
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  • Bug fix: responsive image with "img" tag does not work in IE11

Bugfix: IE

14 Apr 18:07
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IE doesn't support tags without src attribute. So for IE we disabled feature, which removes this attribute.

Available media image sizes info

31 Mar 16:49
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New meta box on media edit screen to print available image sizes. Useful for debugging. Allows you to check what sizes are present in WP database.