Personal portfolio website using SvelteKit, Tailwind and Three.js. The page is publicaly deployed on GitHub pages and is available here.
- SvelteKit: a framework for building a website.
- Tailwind: a utility-first CSS framework.
- Three.js: library for rendering 3D models in browser.
- Blender: 3D modeling software for modeling, animation and texturing.
[x] Create sections. [x] Interests [x] Machine & Deep Learning: Robot learning. [x] Computer Graphics: Giant attacking greek port city. [x] Molecular Biology: DNA, molecule docking, [x] Projects [x] Experiences [x] Contact [x] Change icon and title of the page. [x] Sort experience by most recent. [x] Make navbar sticky [ ] Animate navbar when starting to scroll [ ] Add dark mode.
Notes: [ ] Make layout wider. [ ] Make 3D models bigger because animations are not that noticable. Increase max height. [ ] Make project images bigger, personal portfolio picture is cursed. [ ] Make font larger on extra large screen. [ ] Make rotation more noticable. [ ] Some indication that the models are clickable. [ ] Under yt2mp3 project, write a problem statement/pain point. [ ] Experience section is too small. Possible solutions are adding education with it, joining contact and experience section into CV. [ ] Join house models in giant scene to improve render calls. (Premature optimization?) [ ] When clicking on picture open github. And display hover. [ ] Change opacity of sections that are not in the middle of the screen. (Focus)